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david goodfellow

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Everything posted by david goodfellow

  1. Just caught the final twenty minutes of this show, but found it quite thought provoking especially the impact on Elwy Valley lamb, that the collapse of Tom Aikens had on them. A huge amount of restaurants must be teetering on the verge of collapse that would clearly impact on quite a number of peoples lives. Any thoughts?
  2. I can't help but think that there is some insider information on this forum, not naming names Ginger Chef or Polar Bear I'll say one thing though all of the comments from the forum are spot on. Really enjoyed the banter between Peyton and Fort and thank the lord for that old tart that won it ( no offence Prue)
  3. Any opinions as to who will, or should win tonight? Judging by the comments so far looks as though Nathan is considered out in front, but sometimes the judging can be, surprising to say the least. Desserts can really trip a chef up, so to speak, but of course they have expert help in their own kitchens for inspiration! I have to admit that Shaun's restaurant dishes looked very appealing when the cameras paid a visit.
  4. Whose home are those supposed to be a taste of? Edit: Oh, I see: Fish & Chips versus Prawn (or at least Lobster) cocktail. But what on earth posessed Shaun to choose a dish he can't taste? ← Very good point indeed, he clearly has supreme confidence in the produce, but hey, what a strange situation to be in. Could have eaten both dishes with relish, but that Turbot looked like it was cooked to perfection!
  5. Its Turbot or Lobster tonight. Yum, Yum.
  6. Agreed. Interesting to hear his opinion on the 3hr cooked egg though - maybe he didn't know about the judges reaction to Sat Bains' starter a few years back.. ← The yolk looked slightly overcooked to me, I preferred Nathans. I made kedgeree last night and topped it with one of my duck eggs,it was really scrummy even though I say it myself. Mrs G thought it was great too! Shaun is full of himself though, whilst Nathan seems fairly laid back. I know Nathan really enjoyed GBM and would do it again, if asked, without hesitation.
  7. Yes, Judy and I went to Nathan Outlaw's at the start of April. I posted a very brief writeup on my blog, mostly just a list and photos of the courses, but we enjoyed it a lot. We had the tasting menu so we got a good range of Nathan's dishes but none remotely similar to the ones listed for the competition. So is it 'Iron Chef Uk', the Duck Egg battle tomorrow? ← Thanks for posting your review, it does look a stunning location, and the food looks the part as well Is it big on flavour? Michelin clearly have an eye on him. Nice to get a bit of background to the contestants It is duck egg indeed, I keep a few as pets and currently get about six eggs a day, the flavour is exceptional. Bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Do you mean Red n' Hot? it is tacky but the food is the real deal. ← The Manchester one is tacky also, although I've not eaten there yet, I just thought I'd have a look. It does'n't look very inviting, and its up a long flight of stairs, did think of trying a couple of dishes here and then a short stroll to Red Chilli, all for the cause you understand Well perhaps sometime soon
  9. Perhaps it may seem to be a bit of old news now but stumbled on this article by Richard Vines http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...columnist_vines
  10. Brian, it looks to me that you have a very good food budget. I'm extremely jealous of course, not having been to any of the places you mention. Although I'm currently looking at a few short visits to Spain myself. Perhaps your best savings can be accommodation wise, because all of the places you mention are very expensive. Wish I could help, but can't think of anything at present Clearly your very talented to get stages at these places, like to wish you all the very best.
  11. Anybody had recent meals at Nathan Outlaw's or Shaun Rankin's place Bohemia in Jersey? Both chefs are doing eggy starters tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to this one.
  12. This is a very interesting article if you have the palate for very fine wine. Sad to admit it is wasted on me, food is my focus. I can claim to have dined at Aureole, the interior is spectacular, the food was excellent, but sadly a distant memory http://www.telegraph.co.uk/foodanddrink/wi...-Las-Vegas.html
  13. Marcus Wareing speaks fondly of his formative years with GR http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_...icle6160525.ece
  14. Simplicity!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dan the Man.
  15. Your on! Should be a totally brilliant night Oh hurry up May, Just can't wait!
  16. Oh, my giddy aunt! Or in the real world. "For f-cks sake what happened" Get that Danny whats his name on the phone. I need a new chef Consider--- Flavour, Flavour, Flavour Like --------Location, Location, Location its a proven winner And was'n't it tense? Great result Oh that jacket Oliver, somebody's stiffed you for £500 for that. You could have the bespoke menu at Sat Bains ( for 2 including wine and service) for that, lol Sorry Sat. Think I'm going to get p'ssd tonight.
  17. Just had news via Purnells newsletter of their new menus. Had a few of these already so can testify as to the quality. The five and seven courses are virtually similar in price to Sat Bains, they are big mates and speak regularly, after service mainly. Will be going again quite soon. Watch this space! http://clownfish.corporatemailer.co.uk/rea...3de410125bbc84c
  18. ....one of my souschefs was there with his mrs a couple of weeks ago...£400 plus bill for the 2 of them ( they had the bespoke and thought most of the courses where good to very good..2-3 didnt work at all though) At these prices I will most certainly not be paying a visit...unless some expense account critic needs a bit of company... ← Blimey, your sous is a real serious foodie, must be on some serious wages too! lol Any idea how many courses, and more to the point, did they enjoy the whole experience? Noted that you put down Europe as your base, was he doing a bit of a foodie tour, or was it a one off? ← Was in Europe now back in the uk...and decently paid too...as are my staff...but then again we are not in hotels/restaurants anymore He had shed loads of courses..all very small portions and wines to go with them, thus the bill. He lives in Nottingham and used to be pastry chef at a couple of michelin places so he was well treated by Mr B, being taken into the kitchen where Mr B personally cooked them a course a la minute so to speak... in general they enjoyed the experience but it was still gulp time when they got the bill... ← Thanks for that valuable insight. Not hotels/restaurants? ignore me if I'm too nosey Sounds like they had fun. Seems to me your sous is bit handy on the old pastry, bet that was part of the attraction to his Mrs, can't beat a good pud, straight to the heart, so to speak. lol
  19. i think it was the irritating voice over that came out with that to be fair. think she's come across quite well, i'm enjoying the precision of her style, sure danny's tastes just fine but it's not exactly technique driven is it! ← Watching Danny this week is a bit like watching slow motion car crash, each day he seems to lose it a bit more, hopefully he will bring it together tonight to make it a close competition. ← I hope so too. Was that tears job, last nights programme, or a preview of tonights? I'm really looking forward to what refinement he has made. And the winner is????????????????????
  20. ....one of my souschefs was there with his mrs a couple of weeks ago...£400 plus bill for the 2 of them ( they had the bespoke and thought most of the courses where good to very good..2-3 didnt work at all though) At these prices I will most certainly not be paying a visit...unless some expense account critic needs a bit of company... ← Blimey, your sous is a real serious foodie, must be on some serious wages too! lol Any idea how many courses, and more to the point, did they enjoy the whole experience? Noted that you put down Europe as your base, was he doing a bit of a foodie tour, or was it a one off?
  21. Well done Ross. Did your cheeky smile work? Are we going to meet up on the opening night? Not far off is it really?
  22. Anybody been recently? Be great if someone had a review of the five, and seven course menu's,or make my day and tell us about the bespoke. Jasper Gerard seems suitably impressed, as I was on my visit, some time ago now though. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/foodanddrink/re...Nottingham.html I know that I have in the past been critical of the pricing a bit, especially the bespoke menu at £150, however I am a very big fan of what Sat produces and would make the trip again.
  23. Valid point indeed, I assume your referring to Mark Askew, and of course the great man himself Anybody else? Is she leaving?????????????????
  24. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant news!! The opening is without doubt 20th May. Had confirmation, and great news of my table a deux, hopefully looking into the glass fronted kitchen. As you can tell I'm thrilled to bits, looks like May is going to be one of our best foodie months yet. Just can't wait, counting the days, Thank you Paul and Katie, and special thanks to Su. See ya Soon.
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