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  1. It's amazing how much news has been spun out and continues to be spun out of these shows! They're planning on a ton of follow ups this year... latest is the new mascot who sort of looks like Blumenthal http://www.foodeu.com/articles/Little+Chef...+Restyling.aspx The LC just want their slice of fame!
  2. For our health at least, the types of salt we need to be finding (and adding to our diets instead of subtracting) are mineral salts because the table salt we use daily is way too high in sodium and can leave us lacking in other minerals, such as magnesium for example. There's an article on mineral salts here, along with some recommendations... http://www.foodeu.com/articles/The+Case+For+Eating+Salt.aspx On a bit of a tangent - another way to intake minerals from mineral salts is in bathwater, lovely! Thanks, Kerry
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