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Thanks for that - rang them - they're booked. Looks like the whole of N'ham is eating out this Saturday night!! Hart's have been to before, food great, but, the atmosphere a bit too clinical for my taste. My dad [he's a doctor] said it reminded him a little too much of it's previous incarnation [The General Hospital]. Any other suggestions guys? It's getting desparate now and may have to end up with a takeaway bucket from KFC!!
Hailing from N'ham i suppose i should be very au fait with it's culinary happenings, however i'm not. My mum's a great cook and she's certainly of the 'i can make it at home' school of eating, so dining out when in Nottingham is not generally an option as we feast on home cooking. This time I've put my foot down as it's mother's day w/end and i've insisted on taking her out. Does anyone have any great gourmet suggestions [world service and sat bains already fully booked] for around the £40 p/head mark - in car - so could be slightly out of town too.
Hi egulletter's My boyfriend and i would like to do a wine appreciation course in the new year. Can anyone reccommend one that they've done, or know someone who's been impressed with the one they've done. Looking to spend about £150. Thanks in advance.
i'd recommend Masala Zone, off Carnaby St. Great, inexpensive, canteen, no booking policy. Fantastic is the street food, favourite of mine is the Gosht Dablaroti, it's a Sindhi comfort dish of lamb curry with hunks of white bread in it mmmmmmm, my mouth's watering just thinking about it.
Apologies if this has been posted somewhere else on the site [but, i couldn't find it!] Need help to locate a superior Curry restaurant in Bradford, have looked on various sites but there are so many listed that it's impossible to know which are decent, so help would be much appreciated. Price not an issue.
Dan, Dan noodles will certainly try. Thanks for suggestions, Sezuan peppercorns relatively easy to find in london, not sure about the veg that was mentioned though. I've already tried pok marked mother chen's beancurd dish from recipe on internet, shocking name, but once you get past that a real gem of a dish.
I've ordered Sezuan Cookery by Fuschia Dunlop, it arrives tomorrow and i'm looking forward to trying out a few recipes. Anyone got the book and could suggest a few good ones to start with, success stories etc. I thought i'd practice on my friends who are coming to dinner at w/end.
Thanks for that Jay. Tried this new type, plated Indian last year - Cinnamon Club - was not overly impressed with food. Decor was impressive though.
Would like to try one of these, but not sure which to try first. I'm taking my parents [they're both Indian] so it's a bit of a challenge to get them to try 'new-wave, read: overpriced' indians. thanks in advance for your suggestions.
Locanda Locatelli and Fifteen compared
Archana replied to a topic in United Kingdom & Ireland: Dining
Apologies, if this topic has [and, i'm sure it has] appeared before, but i couldn't for the life of me find it. Who's been to Locatelli's, what do you think of it, how do you get through on the bloody phone [i've been intermittently trying for most of the morning!] -
Charlene, you know where i'm coming from. The men are just using at an excuse to think orgy thoughts. If any of the guests are single maybe simon et al would like to email them directly and discuss their fantasies, gastronomic or otherwise!! In the meantime i'll have a look on Square meal and see what they've got. This is the first and last time i want to organise something like this. When i go down the aisle i'll be considerate and do it somewhere far, far away that doesn't have hen nights, so my friends won't have to spend hours thinking about venues! Maybe we should just get one of those huge, crusty slabs of what they call pizza in Leicester square and gnaw on that!
Thanks for the suggestions guys. I was thinking i shouldn't mention that it's a hen night - it does have certain connotations of diamond white swigging lushe's with no social graces whatsoever. Thoughts i had after reading your posts:- Bam Bou Moro Anything tapasesque could work - any thoughts?? Or anywhere you could reccommend that does private rooms.
I've picked the short straw and have to organise a restaurant for a hen night, but not of the 'L' plate variety - we're hoping to be much more sophisticated than that. So, e-gulleter's - any ideas for food good for a crowd, i know crowd and good food is usually an oxymoron. But, in the whole of London there must be somewhere. Brief: Up to £50 per head. There will be approx 20 girls. Quite flexible as to location - but, central london preferable. Cuisine: anything. Ambience, somewhere not too stuffy, because i'm sure much wine will be consumed and 20 wined up females will not be quiet.
What was your family food culture when you were growing up? My parents are originally from mumbai, india. they were quite cosmopolitan in the foods they tried and enjoyed, this transferred to the food that was cooked and we enjoyed foods from both europe and the indian subcontinent. Was meal time important? I remember pretty much always sitting down to a full meal with my brother and sister, my dad worked late so him and my mum ate separately and much later, which is often the case in indian households. Was cooking important? Food was important, but people more so. W/end meals were good as the whole family ate together - especially sunday lunch when mum's roasts were teriffic. What were the penalties for putting elbows on the table? None whatsoever, table manners weren't a big deal in our house [we weren't heathens's you understand] but quite informal. Who cooked in the family? Mum 95% of the time, i cooked the special ocassion meals, where i spend hours making what my mum would conjure up in minutes. Were restaurant meals common, or for special occassions? Mostly special occasions, birthday, relatives visiting etc - though we often got carry out - chinese mostly and sometimes finger 'likkin kfc or even [heaven help us] doner kebab, things i would sprint like the wind to avoid now. Did children have a "kiddy table" when guests were over? No, when people came over we usaully ate buffet style, kids first, parents later. When did you get that first sip of wine? illicitly, when i was about 10 - from dad's glass. however, when i was about 8 or 9 i gulped down virtually a whole glass of my dad's whisky, mistaking it for cordial/ginger ale. i was looking for relief from a particularly hot curry. Was there a pre-meal prayer? Only on Tuesdays [the one day in the week when no meat was consumed, or alcohol drank] - we all ate together and invariably rowed about something. mum put this down to the fact that my dad was irritable cos he couldn't drink - didn't understand this at the time, but now get where he was coming from. Was there a rotating menu (e.g., meatloaf every Thursday)? Only as above, in so far as tuesday was veggie day - not necessarily indian - mum tried various veggie filled pancakes - tasty or soups, also not bad. How much of your family culture is being replicated in your present-day family life? Quite a bit actually, like my mother i'm really into food and cooking, experimenting and i feel cookery is much like therapy. I always like us to sit down to a meal together [partner and i] when we get home in the evenings and cannot imagine couple's that live together but don't eat together [i know a few!]
Thanks Tony for your recipe - maybe you could also give me a more complicated one for one when i'm in the mood and it's raining outside. Suvir, thanks for the welcome.