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Pie Designs

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  • Location
    Port Elizabeth, South Africa
  1. Junk Food? Bite your tongue!! But I agree, nothing beats a good quality savoury pie!
  2. Sounds heavenly! If you manage to get the recipe, I'd be very interested in trying it out!
  3. Hello from Sunny South Africa, where "pie" generally means a savoury filling in a pastry shell. I know that in other parts of the world the term "pie" is mostly used for pastry with sweet fillings (you know, cherry, apple, blueberry, pumpkin etc) and sometime pot pie is used when describing a savoury pie! I'm not sure about where you live - but here the savoury pie is very popular and becoming more so each passing year. I am interested in the popularity of the pie in your home town / country and which is your favourite savoury pie! Look forward to all the feedback!
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