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ben mcmayon

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Posts posted by ben mcmayon

  1. the new petrus opens in january/febuary, and yes askew is chef patron!!! aikens has a more simple menu along with his a'lacarte which has vanilla and chocolate ice cream green salads on etc, i feel that the simplifing part of his menu and fucking off every1 with the administration means still rising 2 but i hope he gets 2, his food has calmed down alot since i worked with him but have heard he still can be inconsistent!!

  2. ok here we go :-

    tom aikens still rising 2*

    ducasse 3*

    church green 1*

    capital 0*

    vineyard 0*

    william drabble 1*

    aubergine 0*

    rhr 3*

    nathan outlaw still rising 2* because of move!!!

    shaun hill walnut tree 1*

    eastside inn 1*

    corrigans 1*

    sketch 1*

    foilge 0*

    sat baines 2*

    marcus wareing rising 3*

    gidleigh park rising 3*

    square rising 3*

    one for next year petrus to be the 1st english restaurant to win 3 stars straight away next january!!

  3. Ok here are two pieces of gossip i have heard Steffan Karlsson is to leave fond in gothenburg to start new hotel in småland!!! And Lief Mannerström is in the process of buying restaurant Kometen just off the avenue the main 'strip' in gothenburg. I have heard that he will do modern swedish classics and lots of stews etc!!!!!

  4. great news for sweden two restaurants holding two michelin stars!!! no real suprises though we would loose at least one star in gothenburg but michelin does take along time to reconise decline!!!!!!

    Svenska restauranger med stjärna i Guide Michelin Main Cities of Europe 2009:

    Stockholm :

    - Mathias Dahlgren Matsalen (ny med två stjärnor, hade en stjärna tidigare)

    - Edsbacka krog (två stjärnor)

    - Mathias Dahlgren Matbaren (ny stjärna)

    - Frantzén/Lindeberg (ny stjärna)

    - Esperanto

    - Fredsgatan 12

    - Lux Stockholm

    - Leijontornet

    - Operakällaren


    - Kock & Vin

    - Sjömagasinet

    - 28+

    - Fond

    - Basement

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