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Posts posted by gdjck86

  1. make the sausage out of charcuterie(great recipe and call chris). i had a foie sausage at lola bistro in the summertime and it was damn near the best thing ive eaten in months. it goes great with spicy mustard and pickled veggies, and of course good red wine

  2. It is possible to season the cooking surface of a stainless steel pan to create a non stick surface but it is only good for one use. But can be redone over and over again

    You heat your pan with a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil in it to almost smoking and then pour out the excess oil. As the pan is heated the molecules expand and allow the oil to penetrate in between them and once the pan cools they get trapped onto the cooking surface.

    Its a good trick for cooking spaetzle, gnocchi, or eggs without sticking

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