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  1. gfron: I fell in love with your idea. I had never thought on doing something like that. And the cinnamon stick looks sooo cute. You can bet I'm going to prepare some of your creative whole apple apple pie . Thanks for sharing!
  2. alma

    Baking 101

    You can take a look at The American Egg Board, they have plenty of information at: http://www.aeb.org/LearnMore/EggFacts.htm#size Hope it helps
  3. alma

    Baking 101

    Any ideas? I hear baking is such a precise science, but I am completely at a loss with American recipes here. ← I don´t think it is as simple as substituting the amount of yeast for the equivalent of baking powder or soda. I'm not a master on yeast matters, but somewhere I read that if you have no baking powder, you can substitute each teaspoon of it with 1/4 teaspoon baking soda + 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar. Hope it helps!
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