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    Mumbai, India
  1. Awesome report. Looking forward to lunch at l'Arpege in a few weeks! Although after reading this I'm in serious doubt about whether to stick with the lunch menu or split the tasting menu with my wife... more courses = more chances to experience Chef Passard's creatvity...
  2. QUOTE(John Talbott[/quote) My experience at the Luxembourg Amorino wasn't bad. ← Same here with both the Luxembourg and Marais locations. Looking forward to trying Pozzetto this time and comparing. I did not know that Constant makes icecream. I guess that goes on the must-try list...?
  3. Thanks for that tip and will keep you advice in mind!
  4. Thanks for the report and looking forward to reading more. We are headed to Savoy in a few weeks for the 100 E menu. It will be our first time in a 3-star place and after reading your review, as well as julot's numerous comments on this board, I'm happy to be starting there. It seems like a relaxed and fun introduction to this level of dining.
  5. Also looking forward to trying the menu "tout legumes" at Au Gourmand. Will post a review after.
  6. We had an amazing vegetarian meal at Ze Kitchen Galerie during our summer visit last year. Can't wait to go back in a few weeks and see what new tricks Chef Ledeuil has up his sleeve.
  7. How cool! Please do say Hi. We're booked at 6:15.
  8. I wish you a speedy and safe recovery, chefg.
  9. Very nice review Brian and congratulations on your 21st. Were those the normal parings or the 'premiums'? If anyone's interested in a report of a vegetarian Tour at Alinea, I'd be happy to provide one after my wife and I dine there on the 25th of August.
  10. BTW, I'll also throw in the hat for Ze Kitchen Galerie. Despite our dietary restrictions [vegetarian], my wife and I had an excellent meal there during our trip to Paris a couple months ago.
  11. I'm going to be in Chicago for a day in August and would like to try one of these restaurants. I have never experienced this type of restaurant before - the menus of both restaurants sound fascinating! I'd appreciate some suggestions as to which restaurant would be a better selection for someone new to this style of gastronomy. Thanks for all your help.
  12. Hello all: my first post on eGullet which has been a very useful resource while planning my trip to Paris next week with my wife. We've rented a studio in the 5th - rue de la Harpe [i know, touristy, and all the Greek yechh restaurants, but I got an excellent deal ]. My wife is a vegetarian [not vegan, though] but I'm OK with fish and white meat. We have reservations at the following: Maceo Ze Kitchen Gallerie [they emailed back saying they would come up with some veggie dishes] Le Souffle Any other suggestions? We're open to trying anything except Indian for the simple reason that we're from India! No problems Metro-ing to other areas of Paris in search of a good meal... Difficulty in getting reservations aside, I'm unsure as to whether it would be worth checking out any 'starred' restaurants simply due to the veggie aspect...? All the menus and reports seem to be focused more on meat dishes. Lastly, a question on dining etiquette in Paris. In the US where we used to live before this, it's OK to stop in most restaurants and just enjoy dessert. Is this something we can do in Paris? We can't indulge in a lot of the great food due to dietary restrictions, but the desserts in some of the reports look so tempting, and we'd love to sample them if possible. Thanks in advance for your help!
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