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Everything posted by priich

  1. http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/millefeuille Click the red little speaker symbols for audio.
  2. It has a bunch of properties such as binding agent, glazing agent and makes the candy less sticky. You could try and substitute the (food-grade) paraffin with carnuba or bees wax but it's kind of hard to tell what it will do to the texture of the candy.
  3. Hard to tell without knowing the recipe but if it's a Vernaut process then you should use 40% (vol) liquor. It helps the crystallisation. May I suggest you drop the chambord for some eau de vie de framboise instead. If you want to enhance the raspberry flavour even more then let a bunch of berries soak in the bottle for a while. The left over berries can be used as praline fillings. Make sure the powder-box is hot when you mould (about 80C ?) You can help the crystallisation get started by swirling it in the bowl you poured it into after the boiling. (no stirring though or it will become "grainy".)
  4. TPT (tant pour tant) is a mixture of 50% ground, dried almonds and 50% ground sugar. Almond paste is a like a TPT but with 10-11% moisture. Marzipan uses dried almonds but has fondant (brought to 122C/hardball-stage) in it instead. This means that the marzipan is much more workable for sculpting. About textures, TPT is dry, almond paste is moist and sticky and marzipan is compact and easy to work with. It is not totally uncommon that store bought marzipan is flavoured with a bit of bitter almond.
  5. Yeah liquorice should not be eaten if you have liver disorder, high blood pressure or if you're pregnant. It's not that good for potency either. Other than that, it's great I buy liquorice extract, liquorice aroma, anise aroma and ammonium-chloride (salmiak is where it's at) at the local arts, crafts and hobbies store.
  6. Chefpeon's method ain't bad. Stick it in a bag, chill till its brittle and then drop it. If necessary, finish it off with a couple of good whacks with a meat club or mallet. On the other hand, if you splurge and buy a chocolate chipper like Pam suggested (about USD 5-6 retail), you also have a ice chipping tool for cocktail hour.
  7. Have you tried alcohol ?
  8. Interesting. So none of you use gelatine in your curd ? Am I cheating ? (from Jan Hedhs recipe): 2 g gelatine 150 g eggs 75 g +75 g sugar 75 g lemon juice zest from 1.5 lemons 100 g unsalted butter Soak gelatin in cold water Whisk egg and 75g sugar to poreuse stage. Bring zest, the other 75g sugar, butter and lemon juice to a boil. Pour lemon mixture over egg/sugar and mix. Pour mixture into a sauce pan or similar and bring gently to a boil while whisking. Remove pot from heat and whisk till it's very smooth. Squeeze water out of gelatine sheet, drop it into curd and stir until gelatine has melted. Strain. Pour directly into tarte or chill rapidly in water bath and cover. Conversions for the imperial crowd : 2g gelatine = 1 sheet 150 g eggs = 3 eggs depending on size 150 g sugar = 2/3 cup 75 g lemon juice = 5 tbsp 100 g butter = 7 tbsp Texture is silk smooth. Consistency is pretty stiff but not wobbly jello-ish, rather soft butter-ish. Taste could imho be a bit more pronounced, next time I'll probably add some more zest. Couldn't detect metallic taste so amount of sequestrant is enough. Just make sure that high enough temps are reached for the proteins to coagulate. Scent is light citrusy. Sorry no pictures. Only have scanner. Spreading curd on the scanner is probably not a great idea. btw Hi, I'm new here.
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