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    Calgary, Alberta

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  1. what brand of soft ice cream machine did you get
  2. Edible artist from england. It's a free download. I use it all the time.
  3. i always use my bosch kitchen machine to mix it. Oh, check "chef eddy" website for a recipe and technique.
  4. Does anyone know the approximate Brix for nanking cherries. I know there are several variables involved such as terrior etc. I am just looking for an approx value. I want to make pate de fruit and it has been ages since I have made anything pate de fruit!
  5. You can go 50/50 with a product by Valrhona called Absolu Crystol. I've done this in the past for alcohol filled bonbons.
  6. Lana came to Calgary and brought some very delicious chocolates. They really are very very good. Excellent texture. The flavour profile of what i sampled is divine.
  7. beautiful work!
  8. I have 2 6kg mol d'art and only recently I have had to change the plugs. They were owrn out and breaking just on the outside of the machine. I have the dial for temp control and it is not accurate. You just get used to the machine and generally know how to adjust the dial. I have the machine for about 3 or 4 years and overall, I am very happy with the machines and I would purchase this brand again.
  9. Lentia had a renowned pastry chef doing some demos last fall, and he had some ganaches that he made and he said that they need a few days to dry. If the bonbons are going to be eaten within a few weeks of creation...you generally can't go too wrong with your formulations. I make a caramel ganache that needs a good 24 hours to dry before capping.
  10. They should be fine. I get my brushes in the art supply at Michaels. Some of my scrapers come from tool stores. We all use them!!!
  11. Thanks everyone. The Fancypak appears to have the specific size I need. It is really difficult to find this specific type of bag. I am eventually hoping to find a manufacturer so that I can get a customized bag.
  12. I am looking for sources for cellophane bags. I have been buying from chocolat-chocolat and still will but they tend to run out of the size SOS1. I am looking for sources that sell and maybe even customize cellophane bags. I need a small square bottomed cello bag that will fit approx 2-8 chocolates in in. I don't want a fancy bag that brings up the cost of the purchase, I need a very inexpensive cello bag for the customers that want to eat their chocolate and need a bag to put it in!. I do use the nicer cello bags for when people want to buy chocolates as a gift. Does anyone have a supplier you would recommend?
  13. You are not crazy Edward. i love your approach and try to do the housemade artisan production as much as possible. Customers love it when they can get such specialized products. Good luck on the ginger and I am also going to try some batches.
  14. Buderim Ginger is who I get my ginger from. Have you talked to them?
  15. The special sheets are called chocosheets. There are a few suppliers that make this. Cake Art intl is a manufacturer and they have resellers all over the globe. The american supplier charges too much so I have ordered thru Home Chocolate Factory and they gave me a trade account so I get a discount. The chocosheets have not been very good in the last year so I have switched back to using the ones made by Chocolate Deco Artist who are also in England. They have resellers in North America such as Tomric and Chocolat-Chocolat. I find that they mark up the cost and it is cheaper to order directly from England. If you google chocosheets you will get a list of who makes these sheets. Ink: PhotoFrost, Icing Images and several other suppliers carry the cartridges. I use to airbrush the backs with white but have long stopped using that technique. I prefer to put a thinned out layer of white chocolate (70% white chocolate, 30% cocoa butter) mixed with white coloured cocoa butter. I use this method because the design of the magnetic molds cause the roof of the chocolate to slowly cave in. Having this thin layer acts as a support beam in the chocolate. I have done thousands of transfers and have an opinion on whats out there so if you have any questions feel free to contact me.
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