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Everything posted by HungryDog

  1. Loving the pictures and insightful write ups...thanks for this, Bryan!
  2. Loved seeing the other end of the country! Thanks so much, enjoyed it immensely.
  3. Thanks for the quick responses, i'll check those places out!
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kit_Kat Does anyone have a source, i'd rather pick them up locally rather than order them from ebay.... =)
  5. Thanks for all your responses...i'll definitely be ordering more bottles of wine!
  6. Is it kosher to take the bottle home with you if you don't finish it? Is there a certain level where it's not ok? For example you can take the bottle home only if it's more than half full? Also, is it frowned upon if you bring your own bottle of wine, and if so what would be a reasonable corking fee? I find that I love to have wine with my meals, and it's getting harder to not do take out, and then open my own bottle of wine at home due to the cost.... Thanks!
  7. I haven't tried CCo CCo, but there is a take-out Korean Fried Chicken Place that is located in Hmart on Robson & Seymour. I usually drop by the food alcove there to get the spicy beef soup, but i'll try the spicy fried chicken next time there and let you know how it is... Here's a picture of their sign http://www.flickr.com/photos/roland/122785668 Note, it's located in their food court.
  8. That looks delicious, I can taste the salty, and spicy goodness from here...
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