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Posts posted by Abbey

  1. I saw an article on TV on this issue some weeks ago. The end result was that organic tasted better and in general was better for you. Dare I add biodynamic into the argument? We buy cheese made from organic and biodynamic milk and it is beautiful. Here in my house we only eat organic eggs, because they taste so much better and we buy organic butter. We only eat locally produced food, never buy fruit or vegetables that are imported into Australia and subscribe to the principals of the slow food movement.

    What are other people doing? And do you think it tastes better?

  2. Absolutely, we bought a tiny tripod from Kodak, closed its the size of a ball point pen, it opens and beautifully balances (and holds) the digital camera for food shots.

    It cost twelve dollars, so it was an affordable investment.

  3. I just don't understand what happened to flour weights/measurements.  Back in the 50's and 60's when I was learning to cook, I was told "A cup of flour weighs 4 ounces, which means that each 1/4 cup weighs one ounce."  I have used that rule for 50 years without problems until people started using the dip and sweep method and calling 5 ounces a cup.  You really need each book author to tell you how he/she measures, as Dorie has done.

    Which brings me back to my pet peeve: 1) why don't all American cookbook authors get on the metric (may as well go metric as it is even more accurate than ounces/pounds) bandwagon; and 2) why don't the rest of us get with it, buy scales, weigh our ingredients and this problem will just go away!

    Sorry gang. It makes me insane! :wacko:

    I have a question for you. I want to use dried cherries in a recipe, but the recipe recommends fresh cherries. How do I estimate how many dried to use in place of fresh?

  4. Rugelahs, fig cookies (fig newtons), shortbreads and mini pecan pies.

    I am in search of a solid spiced nuts recipe. Can anyone help?

    Hi, I do a very simple one. I egg white per 500gms nuts, 2 teaspoons of ginger powder and a tablespoon of cinnamon, 1 cup of caster sugar to 500gms of mixed nuts. I used cashew, peacan and macadamia. Bake in a very slow oven 140d F. for about two and a half hours and turn the nuts a few times during the baking process.

    Everyone loves this recipe and I have been nicknamed Mrs Nuts!

  5. "Artisanal" sounds soooo much better than "home made, doesn't it? :smile:

    Unemployment provides me with (much)less money....(no trips to Tiffany this year!) but abundant time to satisfy my always-lurking artisanal instincts.  So far:

    1) "Retro" aprons for the ladyfolk.  Think kinda a cross between Ethel Mertz and Carmen Miranda.  I hope not to touch rickrack or seam binding for a good while.  But, they are fetching, if I do say so myself!

    2)Soap.  Used all my adorable little tin tart/baba moulds as per Martha'a advice in December's "Living."  The most restful and fun afternoon in awhile.

    3)Small recipe book compiling all the recipes I use at Christmas that are written on twenty-year old smudged bits of paper. (Simple concertina binding, if there are any other bookbinders out there.)

    To come:

    Husband's famous ass't nut brittles.  Said to be a favourite of brothers-in-law.

    Homemade pannetone.

    Anyone else going artisanal this year?  If so, what are your specialties?

  6. Hi there,

    it sounds to me that your tuna had been FROZEN before being thawed and sold to you.

    I buy sashimi quality tuna every week or two at our local fish market and I have never had an experience like this. I put it straight in an icepack to bring it home so that the tuna doesn't have any opportunity to degrate on the way. The moment it gets home it gets taken out of the paper and put on a plate with paper towels on top ready to be sliced later that evening. I always try to eat my tuna the same day that I buy it and I wash it well and pat it down with paper towels before cutting.

    It pays to go to the best fishmonger that you know of as you need really exquisite quality tuna for sashimi.

    Hope this helps and better luck next time!

  7. Hi Everyone,

    I have been hesitating about buying an ice-cream maker for 3 years. I would like to take the plunge before Christmas, and the one that is most appealing is the Sunbeam Gelateria. (the one with the internal motor, similar to the european magimix).

    Has anyone bought one recently, tried one, had any experience (either good or bad). It's a lot of money to spend on an appliance, so I just wanted to double check before parting with my hard earned dollars.

    Thanks and Happy Days!

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