glucose and corn syrup are pretty much interchangeable in this type of a matter of fact, glucose has less water than corn syrup. i don't think this is the reason for your stickiness. could be humidity or could be not cooking to the proper temperature. if you're dipping in chocolate, your chocolate shouldn't ever be hot enough to melt a marshmallow...are you attempting to coat the 'mallows and allow them to set up like a candy? if that's the case, check out the p&b index for information on tempering chocolate. well worth the extra effort. ← Woo Hoo Success!!!! I'm just about the happiest person who ever made Marshmallows I managed to coat them in chocolate not all over, just the tops but they came out lovely I also coated the remainder in potato starch - no stickiness Thanks to everyone that gave advice - truly sound! Now if only I could post pics of them ...