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Posts posted by pearls

  1. Could you describe this dish a bit more, please?  I notice you're from West England and maybe there are some regional differences in the dishes there than over here.  Where do you usually purchase the dish - in a restaurant or in a carryout?  What do they look like & taste like?  More information please so we can help you.

    It's deep fried chicken wings and then lightly refried with some spices, spring onions, chili etc. I get them from the restaurant and take aways. I'll post a photo of the dish when I get them next time - tomorrow?

  2. Isn't that how it gets its name "Lion Head"?  So the meatballs are supposed to be big... the bigger the better showmanship?  Big like a lion's head.

    Usually, large pieces of Chinese cabbage (suey choi) are placed around the meatballs as they are steamed. This gives the appearance of the lion's mane, thus the name Lion Head.

    Errrr, All this talk about Lion's Head meatball, can we have a visual clue please? I have read in many books regarding this dish but have never had it, I have tried to replicate it according what I think the dish should look like, I have read of Lion's head meatball cook in chiang Tong or braised (Hong Siew) Which is the original?

    Anyone has a picture of the dish?



  3. Hi, ever tried japanese Konbu? You can snack on the plain Konbu or the one I prefer is Umeboshi-Konbu. Sun dried Japanese seaweed seasoned with Japanese plum paste.

    My grandma used to snack on 'pan' in Hindi or 'Kapor serei' in malay. Anyone hear or know it? I think the older generation in malaysia's nyonya community still eats it but it is very well known in India. :cool:

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