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  1. I had to come back and re-read this stuff and noticed something I may have missed before, if I am now understanding the sharpening method correctly, I should sharpen one side until I feel the burr, only then should I sharpen the other side, is this correct?
  2. Thanks for the link Mallet, was very informative, one question for anyone here, a Chef once told me that you should do both sides of the blade in "opposite" directions to get the fastest results. Meaning, you do one side from Heel to tip and the other side from tip to heel, anyone think this makes sense?
  3. Cleaver!
  4. I did a search here and over the net and came across tons of articles on the subject of "knife" sharpening and equipment but what I would like is to get just 1 tool and method that will be best for sharpening BOTH knifes and Choppers, anyone got any ideas/links/referrals please? Thanks.
  5. The long grained brown rice is what I use but I am looking for the small grained rice that we are accustomed to in my area from the take out places so I'll try the Jasmine.
  6. mikehende

    Carrot dicer?

    See? I knew there had to be something for this! Thanks guys, I will try the Alligator first, if that doesn't work then I guess I will have to go after one of the other expensive ones but at least now I know that I have a few to choose from.
  7. THANK YOU ALL very much! I got it now!
  8. Oh, I see, so I should NOT cook it 3/4 way but cook it just as if I was going to eat it? Reason I ask is that other have told me that the rice should not be soft, it should be a little stiff, is this correct?
  9. mikehende

    Carrot dicer?

    I had read the thread on Mandolines before posting here but I created this thread hoping to find a tool that is made "specifically" for Carrot dicing. Everything I've read both on this and other forums and other net sources suggest that there isn't a tool for this. So now I am down to getting a slicer but what concerns me is getting a sturdy reliable slicer to cut the carrots into thin long strips then I can dice them with a knife but I wish I could find someone who actually uses their mandoline for carrot slicing then I would feel more secure about purchasing the same slicer that person has. Appreciate the referrals though, thanks!
  10. Oh, forgot to ask, when making the Fried rice using Jasmine, what's the best way to do this? How I do it when using the regular Long grain Brown rice, I would boil the rice around 3/4 cooked or while a little stiff and not soft THEN fry it, any idea how the Take out places cook this please? Thanks.
  11. Thank you very much guys, I will look into the Jasmine rice this weekend!
  12. mikehende

    Carrot dicer?

    @rxrfrx Thanks, Option 2 looks best for me. I had purchased one of those "As seen on TV" slicers for around $25 or so and it did not work, broke into pieces the first time I tried to slice a carrot, that device was way too flimsy for any hard vegetable, do you or anyone else have any specific slicers you can recommend that will not fall to pieces when slicing carrots? @ Gifted Gourmet Yeah, that machine looks nice but out of my budget for now, maybe later on I'll give it a shot, thanks for the link, will keep it on file.
  13. I like to make my own Chinese Roast Pork Fried Rice every once in a while more as for variety purposes than anything else just so I don't get tired of the same thing from the nearby Chinese Take out Restaurant, also becuase I can add/try different ingredients this way. From the research I have done, it suggests that Chinese Take out Restaurants either dice their Carrots for their Fried Rice by "hand" or they buy "frozen" carrots, neither method is practical for me as I can't get the frozen carrots to buy in small amounts and I am not good at dicing the Carrots small enough like the restaurants do so I am looking for a "tool" that can dice the Carrots around the same size as what you get when you buy the Pork Fried Rice, I have been told that I can use a "Mandoline" to do this but when I wrote to one source that sells these, I was told that there isn't anything that will do what I want, is this true? Or does anyone know of any other tool that can do this effectively? Thanks.
  14. Hello all, Can anyone give me the exact name of the small grained Rice that Chinese restaurants use to make their Pork Fried Rice please? Thanks.
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