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Posts posted by alexistristin

  1. For Christmas I will be sending out home-baked goods and more than likely putting the Priority Mail stamp on them for faster service. I am sure a cryovac machine would be the best option but I do not have that option so basic plastic wrap and Tupperware are my options thus far. I have only shipped cookies and toffee out in the mail so those are a bit different then say a Panettone cake.

    Maybe a list of cakes or loafs that keep their moisture for a few days would be helpful as well. I am thinking I will keep my family's tradition alive of sending panettone cakes out but I am open to other suggestions.

  2. ...Most of the chefs I've known want you to get to the point, and quickly--whether verbally or when writing a letter.

    You don't want to sound like fast food though, in this case just low-fat, low-carb real good food, fast. 86 the sauce.

    That was a great line! At first I was writing my life story and why I am so interested in food. Then I deleted all of it because I figured people don't have time for this even if it was only one page, so I am back to re-writing. Thanks for this advice, I wasn't sure if "fluff" was needed or just straight and to the point writing.

  3. What school, alexistristin?  I ask because sometimes the externship office can help on ways to approach various sites. 

    Here's what I did: I picked the places I was interested in, and emailed the chef or the chef de cuisine and just said, "I'm a CIA student looking for externship from __ to __, anything available?"  Some of the places don't take externs during certain times, or only have one or two slots available, etc. etc.  If you give the subject line, "Student Seeking Externship," it'll get their attention.  In almost all cases,I got an immediate reply and instructions on what to do next (usually, email my resume and specifics to the sous).

    Good Luck -- and smart of you to start looking now!

    I go to the California Culinary Academy in San Francisco. The places in San Francisco that I would like to do an externship at I will go in person to introduce myself, but there are a few places in New York City I am extremely interested in. Our externship database is pretty large but outdated so it would probably be beneficial if I called each place and asked who I should write to regarding externships if the chef is not available to talk. I will start with emailing the ones I can email with what you said it seems to help weed sites out. Thanks!

  4. As I have done many egullet searches regarding this topic I have not found some answers I have been looking for so I thought I would stop being a lurker and actually start posting.

    My "externship start date" is in April 2007 so I have already started my research and began writing cover letters. My resume is decent so I am not worried so much about that. My questions to the forum are the following:

    What is the best way to send the cover letter and resume out especially if I live out of state (otherwise I feel dropping off in person would be better) fax or email? Some of the places I am looking into do not have their email listed, furthermore I would be afraid it would land in the spam bin.

    Should the cover letter be similar to that of wanting to be hired for a job? What should be included in the in the letter besides "Hi I really want to work with you." ?

    And lastly my school recommends I follow up with in two days of sending this material out via phone. Is this a standard procedure? Should I mention on my letter that I will be contacting them in 48 hours?

    Thank you!

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