Hello everyone. I'm sure I'll just end up repeating and re-hashing all the good information everyone else has posted, but I just had to throw in my two cents(us back of the house people are like that). As a single dad of 2 (2 1/2, and 10 months), and a food service director for a private boarding high school, i admit i do know a little about the subject. My kids, fortunately, are the easy ones. They are growing up eating as healthy as i can manage. It's really hard when the older one has been to McD's with his mom and really wants a "chicken box". But i use the same strategy on my two as i do the 500 i feed 3 meals a day, 7 days a week. Moderation. They're most certainly gonna go nuts for chicken nuggets and french fries, but if you offer them healthy options, they will almost certainly give it a try. Another easy fix is lots of fresh fruit. My kids love fruit, and most of the kids at work will grab it as a quick fix on their way out of the dining hall. I am also lucky in that the school here does not allow vending machines and the like, so there's less that I'm up against. Likewise, if i don't have the sugary junk stuff in my house, there's no battle there to fight. For sweet stuff, my son goes for whole fruit frozen pops, fresh fruit, and sugar free cereal bars. At work, we always offer sugar free alternatives for dessert, and there is always a salad bar, fruit bar, and plenty of vegetarian and vegan options. Kids like choices so the more you can give them, and the more ways you can "sneak in" the healthy stuff, the more often they are going to choose it. Next battle...convincing my 2 1/2 year old that cheetos is not an acceptable starch.