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    Washington DC
  1. Say Tony, Like the menu sounds like a hit. Wouldn't mind trying that heirloom salad, looks like some empirial tomato water. Good luck with the kids. Hopefully that whole thing about 10 percent of your food goes out the way you want it ain't completely true. Maybe someday I'll be able to try something you make. I think your a gr8chef who lovs2cook. Keep on cookin good lookin.
  2. I work at Mendocino Wine Bar & Grille in the Georgetown area. We recently had a 8oz kobe ribeye on the menu with a garlic confit and poached bone marrow sauce. It didn't sell to well. People seemed a little scared of the word. too bad I just recently got on this site because I would have told you about it before we took it off the menu. I thought it was awesome, and I love bone marrow.
  3. Jesse_March

    Marrow Bones

    I find this site very interesting and I keep on running down the kitchen stairs inbetween dupes to read what others have written. I think I found a new hobby that should be keeping me busy for hours on end. I'm glad to hear everyones views on marrow. My father intorduced it to me as a young boy and told me it was the best part. I fully believe it is and I enjoy it completely. thanks for all your insight and ideas. I shall be posting more often
  4. I recently played around with some marrow. I love the delicate texture which reminds me of foie gras. However, when we introduced it to the menu at Mendocino, a restaurant in the Georgetown area of DC, it didn't seem to sell. We had combined it in a sauce with poached garlic (garlic confit) and a 8 oz. kobe beef rib eye that was out of this world. we didn't go to extravagant with the dish however. We kept the traditional meat and potatoes appeal to it with a scallion mashed and served it with crispy roman style baby artichokes. It looked nice and I think the sauce complimented the steak very well. I guess the consumer wasn't too fond of it. We changed it two days later to a salsa verde and a fava bean salad. It now is a top seller. I guess I am just wondering how come nobody out here appreciates marrow? Are they scared? I'd like to know what someone else thinks of this product. If they might enjoy it as much as I.
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