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Jeff L

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Posts posted by Jeff L

  1. Very possible or probable destinations include: Sesame Place, Adventure Aquarium (may finally take the ferry across the wudder though) and Lord knows. 

    I strongly suggest doing the vast majority of your eating in Philly as opposed to Langhorne, Pa - home of Sesame Place. Unless of course you like chain restaurants like Pizzeria Uno that is. Actually, if you have to eat when at Sesame, the margherita pizza at Bertucci's isn't bad at all and it's cool for kids. I would caution against getting almost anything else there except kidfare. Also, they have Harp on tap there!

    And of course, I strongly second Holly's choice of Sweet Lucy's

  2. Gayle's tuna lamb combo is/was very good when i went a few months ago. it has tuna (perfectly sliced, fresh and flavorful, probably blue fin) dressed in tsadtiki-esque sauce (like lamb would be) the lamb, on the other hand, seems to be slow braised, sweet and tender. the dish has two elements which serve to highlight things about each other with a bridge of an avocado based sauce. truly interesting and also delicious, in my humble opinion. give it a try... PS the dirty table thing was probably related to eating in a garden restaurant during one of the worst pollen seasons in memory (anybody else have unusual allergies this year?)

    I too thoroughly enjoyed Gayle's food as I reported in the Gayle thread.

    I'm wondering though what a chewed lemon wedge has to do with allergies. :biggrin:

  3. One of the worst things about our capitalist society is there are waves of A**Holes just waiting to take advantage of the dining public with unethical activity to extend thier profit margins.

    As it turns out, a lot of unscrupulous seafood distributors are now subjecting Tuna loins to a treatment of Carbon Monoxide gas which acts as a very effective color change retardant so that fish that looks 3 days old is actually 10 days old and command's a premium price.


    tsk tsk.....

    Interesting article. I've always wondered about this, how even the better supermarkets get this fresh looking color to their tuna. Now I know. I just thought they flash freeze the fish and the color is retained. Apparently not the case.

    If you do get to Gayle, I'd be interested in your opinion of the place.

  4. My younger son doesn't like fried onions on "date night;" when he ordered Philly Cheesesteak there, no onions, the woman on the line chided him about it!  Gotta love that place.

    That's considered sacrilege in Philly! I'm leaning toward that double egg bacon and cheddar. Nothing like that here.

  5. Is Gayle-ish a positive nod or less than positive? I got the impression it was not positive. I do, however, agree they have some weird pairings indeed but we all really loved the food when we were there.

    Actually It's neither as I havent actually been to Gayle yet.

    My term "Gayle-ish" wierd just refer's to the fact that they pair fresh un-oxidised Tuna with lamb.

    Again, I havent had the dish but I think most people would agree it's wierd and I suspect it doesnt work....?

    Did you try it ?

    "Tastes of Tuna and lamb" ?

    No I did not nor did any of our party of 4. I don't remember seeing this on the menu the night we were there but can assure you it wouldn't be my selection. Either lamb or tuna by itself would be wonderful but together, I think not.

    btw, what is un-oxidised?

  6. Dont get me wrong, my post wasnt to gloat and trash the place, I want more than anything else for the hard work that chef's do to be communicated to diners, I want people to eat lovely well prepared food but I am really confounded by why these places open without being thought out and no oversight.

    Do they do dry runs ?

    Who the hell attended and tld them everything was Ok ?

    The prices were in the BYO range and the menu seems interesting except for a few Gayle-ish wierd pairings.....

    How about just .........seasoning the food....a novel Idea...... :huh:

    From reading some of your previous posts and knowing a little bit of your background, I didn't get the impression you were out to trash this or any place V. I think you have honest intentions, but really there is no excuse for sending out dirty water or not cleaning off tabletops no matter how new a restaurant. If they got that wrong, how can they hope to get the food and service right?

    Is Gayle-ish a positive nod or less than positive? I got the impression it was not positive. I do, however, agree they have some weird pairings indeed but we all really loved the food when we were there.

  7. Happened to be walking around Washington Square last nite and ran into a restaurant I had no idea was there.

    Restaurant is called "M" with an odd gigantic yellow foam "M" sitting in the garden.

    Menu looked interesting, very Django-Marigoldish so I decided to throw myself to the sword and try some food.

    Unfortunately, the whole experience was abjectly disappointing, It was more like throwing myself to hungry wolves.

    Here is how it goes......

    They have a *lovely* huge outdoor garden, apparently the complex is a bed and breakfast called the Morris House, they have a liquor license and small bar with interior seating for about 40 people.

    Take the rest of the review with a grain of salt as the place has been open for only two weeks however, they seem to need an entirely new manager and service staff, there was absolutely no oversight in the dining room. Communication and coordination were just so non-existent, if this was Cirque de Soleil, there would be trauma surgeons standing by......

    I sat in the garden and was asked what I wanted a drink with no attempt to provide a wine list.

    The tables were filthy, not in a dirty way but extremely dusty.

    To further compound that, they brought out silverware and napkin and placed it on the dirty table.

    A previous table that had departed next to me still had a chewed lemon wedge and a straw on it.

    My water glass came with an obvious undetermined piece of "flotsam" in it.

    I ordered 3 apps, soup, foie gras, oysters.

    the menu I was presented with was dated june 9th so I asked the server if the menu was the same today, she said she wasnt sure but would check.

    I ordered a chilled watermelon cucumber soup.

    Food runner came with what turned out to be Parsnip soup.

    No further communication from server.

    Tried the soup anyway.

    It was terrible, no salt period.

    Consitency was a litle thinner than mashed potatoes.

    I asked the food runner if the foie gras was the same as i ordered and requested a copy of the current menu. He said yes it was.

    Foie was delivered to table, it was different.

    It was huge but Greasy and completely unseasoned, it was also B or C grade Foie.

    Served on top of an inedible toasted slice of baguette ......

    Cancelled my oyster order, requested the check and left.

    A complete waste of time.

    I'd have left after looking at the dirty water on top of the dirty table. Doesn't bode well for a memorable meal.

  8. A wedge is a synonym for hero. It just happens to be the operative verbage in Westchester, I guess.

    The steak and cheese I get at NY delis is usually far superior to the cheez whiz mess I've experienced in Philly. Thats a thread for another day, I'm sure...

    Thanks for the clarification on wedge.

    You've obviously gone to the wrong cheesteak places in Philly, but alas another thread indeed.

  9. Its hard to F-up at rockies. Open 24-7 as well. Enjoy your coversation with the village retard behind the counter if you wander in during the graveyard shift.

    Hey! I didn't know anyone noticed I went back to work ... :wink:

    My kids choices: Steak and cheese, on a wedge; American combo with provolone. Spouse likes grilled cheese and tomato. Don't be put off by a long line during rush hours; it moves fast.

    Excuse me but what is a wedge as it relates to this sandwich? Is it merely bread cut in the form of a wedge, I'm confused.

    Also steak and cheese to a Philly guy sounds like not the real deal. Where I'm from they're cheesesteaks! :smile:

  10. Do you want to travel from Briarcliff, or stay close to that town?

    I'll be travelling to New Haven CN the next morning (weekday by the way) so I don't mind eating outside of town. I'd like to sample some of New Haven's famous pizza, i.e Sally's, Pepe's, etc also. I assume these pizza joints are open for lunch no?

  11. Boy, and I liked our second bottle better than the first! Maybe my taste buds are just goofy ... or my palate uneducated (which it most definitely is).  We'll just have to wait a bit and break out a third bottle for another try.

    I don't know if your palate is uneducated or not, I suspect not. Wine is really so subjective a matter it's less to do with an educated palate than personal preferences. That's not to say that you won't pick up on particular nuances with a more refined palate, just that people have different opinions about the same wine.

    Then of course there's that cost justification thing, you know I spent x dollars I better love it :wink:

  12. I'll be in this area in a few weeks and would love suggestions for lunch and dinner. Please no touristy places just the real deal. Any kind of food prepared well is good although I'm partial to steaks and great Italian food simply prepared. I also love sushi so this would fit the bill too.

    Thanks in advance.

  13. At long last, Philadelphia City Council has approved a smoking ban in all restaurants except private clubs. Also potentially exempt are bars that can demonstrate their total food gross is less than 10%. I have no problem with this exception and really don't mind people smoking in bars in general. What I do find offensive is being around smoke while I'm eating. Now if I'm out at a music club, well that's just part of the scene and I don't mind it there either.

    Interestingly, the ban, which starts on Jan 1st 2007, limits smoking to 20 feet from an establishments front door. I always hold my breath when entering a public building where smokers are lined up outside the door to avoid the wall of smoke. But how is one supposed to know that particular place is deemed smoke-free when they are 20 feet away?

    Are we happy about this? Comments?

  14. We tried the Torres Gran Coronas Mas La Plana Black Label 1989 last night and I was extremely happy that I only bought one bottle. Maybe its just my palate that's bad, but I find spanish Cabs that I like very rare. I found it thin and on the sour side. YMMV.



    I must report here that I agree with you 100% on this one Mike. While I didn't find it at all sour, I do agree completely on it being thin. I also don't get all the raves from Laban recently on this wine. I bought 2 bottles and have earmarked the 2nd as a gift for someone. Oh well, they can't all be great.

    fyi, I tried responding to your pm several times and they all bounced back. Did you change your email address? If so, update it in EG

  15. A few local places include Panzone's Pizza (in Beach Haven and Surf City) and Mustache Bill's Diner (at the other end of the island, in Barnegat Light).

    Ah, many memories of meatball parms at ungodly hours from this place. Great solid cheesesteaks, hoagies etc here. My wife's folks had a beachfront house close to Panzones many years ago and we lived at that place. Definately check it out

  16. [On a more housekeeping note, I'd suggest that this thread really belongs on the NY board rather than here.  MooreBros is a Philly thing, but this thread is about what they're doing in NYC.  Feel free to edit this out if you move the thread.]

    Actually I originally thought about posting this on the NY board but decided to post here as most people are familiar with them in Pennsauken. I have no problem if Holly or anyone else wants to move this over there

  17. WOW.  I didn't realize that the space was so huge.  We were planning on visiting the store last week, but never made it. 

    While there are many wine stores in New York, very few--in fact, hardly any--have their entire inventory stored at the proper temperature.  I can name only one off the top of my head. 

    I think they will be a welcome addition to the city.  Good luck!

    Not only is the entire inventory properly kept at 55-56 degrees, the whole transportation chain from vineyard to store is also properly refrigerated. As someone who was involved in the containerized freight industry in the past, I can tell you it is a very expensive undertaking but one that underlies Moore's commitment to excellence and proper storage.

    I know of no stores in New Jersey that can make this claim although I am sure there must be one or two out there.

    I think what is most appealing to their approach is the individual attention given to everyone, novice to expert. These people really know their wines. Just tell them what you are making for dinner and you will have a few excellent pairing suggestions within minutes.

  18. Wow, this mornings Inquirer reports on Greg and David Moore's newest venture, 5400 square feet of space over 3 floors at 33 E. 20th street in Manhattan.

    The place is outfit with a basement that has a childrens play area, temperature controlled (as the other locations) to be at a constant 56 degrees.

    Second floor has a gourmet kitchen with a 40 seat tasting area. They plan to offer this space free to non profits and charity organizations for informational tastings.

    EG is mentioned when 2 guys walk in to the empty store (one a big time wine importer with over 3,000 bottles in his personal cellar and a caterer) and are immediately impressed with Greg's knowledge, selection, temperature control and most importantly his relationships with the growers and their families.

    As someone who has supported Moore Brothers since the early days at Triangle in Camden, let me be the first here in the PA forum to wish them success. It will be a tough market for them to crack with all the other wine shops, but then again, no one does it like they do.

  19. Acacia in Lawrenceville is excellent!   I think it's the best in the area!  Its a byo too!

    I heartily second Acacia. Always wonderful, make a res for sure

    Thanks! These are the two restaurants we are deciding on - Acacia & Mediterra. We had been to Mediterra a few years ago & it was very good. Just thought we'd try to avoid that whole Princeton-traffic-parking thing...

    The Lawrenceville parking thing is a whole lot more doable

  20. i need some advice from you wine afficienados out there.

    i'm getting married in august at the Duling-Kurtz House in exton (yes, he FINALLY asked!  yay!).  since they're not a BYO and i'm by no means a wine expert, i need some help choosing one red and one white to serve at dinner.

    i'd prefer they be $40 or under.  i like my reds big and bold and my whites fruity.  not a big fan of merlots or chardonnays, but if they're exceptional, i'll bend.

    here's the link.  any help is greatly appreciated!

    Saxchik, let me also offer congrats to you. This is an interesting winelist with some pretty hefty mark-ups. I think you guys can't go wrong with Cotes du Rhone- Guigal FR `01 Chateau D' Ampuis. Guigal is a respected producer of Rhone wines and I think all will enjoy this selection. It pairs nicely with most food as well. It's not terribly big but at 40 bucks...It is however $2.00 over your $40 limit :wink:

    As to whites in your price point, I would suggest 8042 Vouvray-Michel Picard FR `02 $ 30.00. Vouvray is a good middle of the road choice for most white wine drinkers. Perhaps others here can weigh in on their choices but that's my thinking.

    Best of luck!

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