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Posts posted by BryanZ

  1. For a major critic to weigh in with four stars after just one visit seems a bit absurd. I'm not saying it's not deserving, but it seems like Platt and NYM are just trying to the "the first" to weigh in on this hot new restaurant. It also seems like an inadvertent slight to Bruni who has (jokingly) said he won't get to review the place until 2009 or 2010. This seems like a "well look at how on the ball we are" jab.

    The review itself is fine, it's just how it was done and the context that it's being done in.

  2. Dispatches from the Ippudo front from some friends of mine who went this Saturday:

    6:05pm: The place is adorable!  The manager has been standing outside

    greeting customers.  There is a little bar area (Sapporo on tap), and

    all kinds of ramen bowls on the wall behind the bar.  There are cute

    Japanese women who take down our names.  The wait is 1 hour.

    6:15pm: We are starving, and we find a street fair one block away, so

    we want to get $1 Thai Food (our favorite booth).  The Thai food

    place is closed, so we get a corn dog and mozarella sticks.  It was not

    horrible, but cost is $11.  Ugh.

    6:30pm: We return to Ippudo to wait.  In the meantime, the wait is now

    one hour and a half.  Cute Japanese woman tells customers that there

    were 100 people waiting in line before the place even opened.  Many

    people walking in are turned off because they don't understand what the

    big deal is.  Most of these look like unwordly-white people who just

    don't get it.  We realize we are grossly outnumbered by Japanese

    people.  Cool!

    6:45?: We actually get seated sooner than we expected.  The guy who

    seats us is wearing those wooden flip-flops!  The place is gorgeous!  It

    is small, but cozy, and you feel like you are transported to Japan,

    because they are all yelling these things in Japanese like every 3

    minutes, and its just awesome.

    Food: The Ramen is to die for.  The soup was so good!  We got the Ippudo

    Ramen and another with some special sauce.  I don't remember the

    names, but it was SO good.  Seriously, we will be back, even if we have

    to stand in line for hours.

  3. I was on Bravo this morning- Is Padma writing her own blogs drunk or high? Is no one editing her writing....I don't remember her blogs from last season being quite so ill written.

    The written blog is simply a literal transcript of her video blog, hence the somewhat strange delivery. Can't fault her for that.

    All in all, a very classy episode. Good looking food. It was unfortunate to see Manuel go when he's probably more talented than a good number of the remaining cheftestatnts. And Blais continues to be a baller.

  4. I think obvious (too obvious?) answer is Robert's. Not sure if it's fallen off since Adam Perry Lang left, but I feel like it's an only in NYC experience.

    You could go pretty wild at Ssam bar for $120/person. Definitely do the bo ssam and order pretty much the entire menu. They can fit you in the back.

    A bit classier would be like Craftsteak or something. Doesn't look like you're looking for fine-dining, so that knocks out a lot of contenders and otherwise board favorites.

    With that budget you should be able to have a pretty solid time.

  5. Obviously I love Jujube for a variety of reasons. I've never actually eaten a normal meal in the dining room, always at the pass or for a special event, but the service I've had has always struck me as particularly friendly. I will agree though that I have had soupy dishes there that have been literally scaldingly hot.

    Still, one of the most exciting restaurants in the area without question.

  6. If you two are both male you might have some trouble getting into some places at peak times. You might want to bring a female along to increase your chances of entrance.

    That is almost completely false with reference to serious cocktail bars in NY. Seriously. You have no clue what you are talking about.


  7. A logistical question for those who have been. Does one cook take care of a set number of diners, making all of the dishes, as in at a sushi bar, or is the kitchen organized in a more traditional fashion with different stations responsible for various parts of each dish?

  8. I'd argue that Chang wass probably aiming for two stars as his floor. Much as he probably expected one star for Ssam Bar--I believe he said this in Eater or something--he probably expects two as the minimum at Ko. Three would seem to be the best case for Chang (and certainly within the realm of possible), as I really can't imagine it receiving four. This place doesn't seem to be better than Robuchon, and Bruni probably won't award four stars taking price alone into account.

  9. Having never eaten at Ko, Schwa, or TKC @ Beacon but having seen lots of pictures, I'm going to go out there and say that Beacon's food just doesn't seem as interesting and doesn't necessarily warrant the press that Ko and Schwa do based on looks alone. Lots of cities have something like Beacon where you can sit at the chef's table/pass/counter and get a custom tasting menu or whatever.

    Minibar, Schwa, and Ko are on another level entirely when it comes to the creativity/weirdness of food and the notoriety of the chef.

    Even after seeing all the pictures, I'll be honest, I'm not going to go out of my way to visit TKC. The other restaurants I mentioned, however, are at or very near the top of my dining list.

  10. So with all due respect to NC barbecue, it's nothing like the likes of RUB, Daisy May, or Hill Country. Different beasts.

    I still really like Seta and Shake Shack. Haven't been to the former in a while, but I really don't buy a lot of the food board talk that dictates a place has gone "down hill" when a few lukewarm reports have come in. That's just me.

    With that said, Katz's is by far the best recommendation--you must get pastrami, nothing else. Paired with a slice of pizza, a bagel, and some smoked fish you've got NYC culture right there.

    And how the hell did you meet Tien? You should've tried to score a reso at Ko.

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