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Posts posted by Memo

  1. To my understanding, Montana's is one of those Canadian-chain restaurants that felt they'd be less popular if they called it Alberta's!

    My family took my grandmother there several years ago (for her birthday). Nothing more embarrasing than the birthday grandson (yo) being forced to wear sponge-foam moose antlers for the duration of the birthday song. :rolleyes:

    If your father likes a little "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" ribbed into his Keg-based experience - then go for it!


  2. More importantly, I think children (and their parents) need to learn basic cooking schools. From an instructional viewpoint, think how much better off kids would be if they knew how to make a basic stock (there's not much that's more economical than a fish head or some chicken bones) - and add/improvise from there. Junk food is expensive.


  3. I dunno...maybe I have no life, but I think Egullet is pretty fun. Learning can be fun, and I've certainly learned a lot on this board.

    I seem to have noticed that a lot of reviewers/writers turn to eGullet for their story ideas.

    As an aside, there are countless lurkers on this forum - people who always quote something they read on eGullet (but are afraid to join/post/discuss)! :cool:


  4. Please, please - while you're at the Bearfoot, can you check out the Jamon Iberico on their menu?

    They're the only restaurant in North America selling this stuff.

    Well I'll be darned (and sorry for being, momentarily, off-topic).

    I make the common mistake of many Canadians - and forget to include our neighbour (on the other side of the elephant) Mexico, when I make blanket statements about North America.

    It seems Jamon Iberico is available in norteamericano. Just got an email from a friend in Mexico, who has discovered a cured leg in the local SAMS mega-store! The sales clerk, however, was claiming it was "yes - great... and cured for 30 years!"


  5. I am about to go and set up my oyster shucking station at what could prove to be the party of the century at the Bearfoot Bistro.

    Hombre de ostion:

    Please, please - while you're at the Bearfoot, can you check out the Jamon Iberico on their menu?

    They're the only restaurant in North America selling this stuff.

    What (price) are they selling it for?

    How are they serving it?

    If you have the chance to try it - or are even interested/inclined to try it - please do add to your report. :blink:



  6. I refer to restaurant bar dining as bottle feeding.

    I've always had a great experience at the (feels-like-private) bar at Aurora Bistro.

    Same goes for Brasserie L'Ecole in Victoria. (Bartender Steve is the man.)

    I'm more curious about the bar experience from the servers' perspective.

    Seems to me they pick up a lot more of the customers' gossip from behind the bar.


  7. One of the frustrating things about the news is that there is rarely a follow-up story...

    Well what did happen to all that presumably cooked wine?

    Was it indeed cooked? Did any wine reps actually taste the wine? How bad was it?

    Enquiring minds want to know.

    Right on, shelora - enquiring minds want to know.

    Methinks it was a lot of Y2K-like worry-warting.

    Earthquake insurance, anyone? :biggrin:


  8. I imagine there will be lots of reductions - except in the ticket price.

    You must consider that celebrity-chef Trotter will have to be flown in from Chicago - and put up in nice digs, etc.

    He likely comes with a high price-tag - much like booking a rock band.


  9. How special to you want to make this dinner? Does it have to be in Vancouver?

    If you can get away, you'd really impress her with a dinner at the Rosemeade dining room at the English Inn, in Esquimalt (a short drive or taxi-ride from downtown Victoria).

    Chef Richard Luttman is doing amazing things.

    There is also accommodation at the inn, so you could stay the night.


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