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Posts posted by bimbojones

  1. Shelora - you've got mail! In case you didn't get it here's the link to my recipe: http://www.citychef.ca/xcart/customer/pages.php?pageid=120

    Again, if you have questions let me know.

    By the way, I've got 2lbs of Nixtamal soaking in the Cal solution. Should be ready to grind into masa in about an hour. Speaking of grinding, anybody try this corn grinder? http://www.retsel.com/

    If this batch turns out good I may make the investment.

    Wish me luck!

  2. I totally forgot I have this book "The food and life of Qaxaca". There's a recipe in there for masa! I just always grab for my old favorites - Mesa Mexicana and La Parilla and never notice this one (I tell ya, bold graphics are everything when you've got too many cookbooks). But I should, it's got lot's of amazing recipes (speaking of mole).

    Thanks for all those great links! I really wish I had a matate but I may look for the mill first...maybe I'll just try my food processor then grind small batches in the morter for a smoother consistancy. I'll report back!


  3. Having recently moved to British Columbia from Los Angeles I'm sorely missing my fresh Mexican ingredients...mainly fresh masa both for tortillas and tamales.

    Does anyone have a recipe for home made masa dough? If I can replicate my beloved masa, I'm willing to give it a shot!

    Many thanks!

  4. Nice looking chilies you've got there ! I'm glad it worked. Do check back regarding cheese, crema and masa. The couple who make that stuff drive in from the outskirts on a regular basis. Perhaps next time you are in, ask at the counter. At least,  I hope they are still making it.

    I want to know what you are making.............

    I will stop by there more often now and hopefully they'll have the rest of the goods. They do have fresh corn tortillas which look pretty good but I like to make my own. I'll let you in on one of my little secrets. Kind of a happy accident, really. The first time I made tortillas using fresh masa dough I didn't realize there were two different kinds at my grocer - one for tortillas and one for tamales. I bought the latter without knowing. The difference is the tamale masa has lard, lime and salt in it which is of course MORE flavor! I did experience a little trouble keeping them from tearing but once I got the feel they were great! Now I just mix the two masas together so they're easier to work with...well, at least I used to...sniff.

    Yesterday I made my chili/garlic rub using some chipotles, guajillo, ancho and arbol chilis. I can email you the recipe if you want.

    Thanks also for the other market, eatrustic! I'll check them out, too.

  5. :biggrin: Happy Happy!!!! Joy Joy!!!! El Sureno just made my day. They're not terribly cheap but didn't kill me either at $15 per lb. Paid about $8 for this stash. And they're nice and fresh! Picked up some fresh tomatillos and a nice overripe plantain. Didn't see any crema or fresh masa dough but, I'm good with my chilis for now. Woo hoo!<br><img src="http://www.geocities.com/michele_graybeal/chipotles.jpg">
  6. Wow, thanks for all the great replys. I may head over the border soon anyway (to land!!) and will check out that place, (on the Guide Meridian), where is that exactly?

    On my last trip down to the Bay Area (Santa Cruz to be exact) I did pick up a whole wack of supplies including two huge bricks of achihote paste, mexican oregano and chilies (for pennies) but no chipotles. Didn't have time to hit all the markets, unfortunately. My suitcase smelled really good, though!

    Fresh masa, crema....oh man, I'm drooling! Will definitely check out El Sureno. If I can get fresh masa I will be one happy chick. :laugh:

  7. Thanks for the tip, eatrustic!! I'll check them out and the thread, too.

    Correcto mundo, rjwong! Yes, I do miss that place...also the small local markets in and around Cypress Park area, etc. Jicama, jalapenos, cheap avocados, tomatillos, all super fresh and cheap. Heck, I could get most of what I needed at Safeway. I really miss the fresh tortilla masa...

    Anyway. Sure! Send up a 5lb bag of dried chipotles! I'll pay ya back! (we're gettin' the rain up here so don't feel too bad)

  8. Well, not THE only thing but I used to be able to buy dried chipotles, among many other varieties of chilis, for cheap and in bulk at the underground market in downtown LA. Having recently moved up here (and loving it) I do miss my Mexican food and grocers and would be so happy to find one.

    I love to make my own dry rub using chipotles but have run out. (sigh) Sadly, one of the few latin markets I've run across here on E. Hastings has stopped carrying them. Now I'm back to square one. I'm sure some of the hoity-toity gourmet markets may have them, about 3 teeny-weeny pods for about $12.99, but I gotta get my hands on a REAL supply where I can dig in and fill up one of those plastic grocery bags! I'll even go over the border if necessary! Please help!

    :biggrin: gracias!

  9. Lee, I'm in agreement with you. We did the exact same menu choices as you two. Service was very good, but food was good but not what I expected from an award winning restaurant. I've never been to C and was anxious to see what all the fuss was about. I think the DOV may not be the best idea in the world, though. If you're after getting a lot for less money, it's a good deal but I think the food suffers. Cooking and serving the same menu every night for up to a month can take the "umph" out the food. Hard to explain but I think you know what I mean.

    Having recently moved here from California I've heard a lot about Vancouver's great restaurants and I have to say, so far I've been a bit underwhelmed. BUT in defense there's a lot I haven't tried. We're going to try Vig's and Chambar in a couple weeks which I'm really excited about. I've heard and read here they're both excellent. Obviously, you have to know where the hot spots are, too. Definitely a fish out of water here!

  10. I just spoke with a friend who said he was at the Crab Shack not two months ago over the holidays so they must be up and running again. That's good news! I'll go check 'em out for sure. I also get fish at Fujiya - Clark & Venables(?). Most fish is cut for sushi or sashimi but you can also get marinated fish, mackerel, eel, ect., I picked up a package of salmon pieces w/skin (trimmings?). Great to bbq or grill with some terriaki sauce...mmmm, over rice!

  11. "...There's a new (about a year I think) shop on Hastings a block and a bit east of Nanaimo (north side) that has a small selection of very fresh fish. I've bot both halibut and Salmon there 8 or 10 times and it's been very good. Cheaper than Granville Island by a couple of bucks a pound. I gather their first choce for locations was going to be Commercial drive but rent was way too much!..."

    I can almost see that place from my house. I've bought fish there too and was pleased. However, I like to buy whole fish and my favorite place, Chong Lee on E. Hastings, is gone (grumble, grumble). T&T on 1st is good, too.

    I've heard there's a place off of Dollartan HWY just east of the bridge that's supposed to be good...I think it's just called the fish house or something like that...sound familiar to anybody?

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