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Everything posted by robi

  1. how did it go? as to butter, damn straigh you want butter on everylayer!! here in hugary the best strudel - the austrians took it from the Hungarians, who took it from teh Turks - there is lard!!!!! on each layer, not butter!!! tatses great !!1 The top layer here is covered with SOUR CREAM and sugar, it is great! a great filling is cheese curds mixed with some egg, sugar and raisons to taste! If you really want good stuff and want to wow the guests... make the dough, phylo dough or any store bought dough is just not right. and if you get into the Turkish type called burek, you will notice there are different types of doughs depending on what filling is to be used!!! and ths stuff and be handled..... Hungarians say you have to pull it slowly and carefully, the Turks toss and streatch it... and it is very cool to see a huge sheet of this dough in the air!!!! robi
  2. hi everybody I just found a shop that sells corn syrup by a company called Monin. I checked out Monin's home page monin.com and could not tell if this is the same stuff because it is sold here as a cocktail drink ingedient... I have only seen it on the shop's webiste, when I have tme I will go there and see what it says on the bott.e thanks robi
  3. robi


    Katie, ask Mr, Buzas if he is Hungarian... because buzas means Wheaty ... robi
  4. I have a jar of glucose I got from local cake supply store. Shouldn't be too hard to get. I am Hungarian as well and can give them a source once I get home and look on my cantainer for the producer or distributor. ← Oli! Koszi! Dobd nekem egy email. robidawson@gmail.com Thanks everybody. I just asked Oli to send me an email with the info... but if he posts it here that would be just as good actually. BTW, what is invert sugar?
  5. Dextrose? that rings a bell. I will look round. and Kerry, thanks for starting up the link! I was thinking of just making some but I am not sure how to... robi
  6. Hi all, I have to step in for somebody who backed out of a baking gig. I have to bake for 100 on Sunday. i am not a professional baker I just want to help out. all I know is I have to use chocolate and I have to fee 100 ppl How to do this in a conventional home oven? I was thinking of baking 3 rectangular sacher tortes, cutting the edges, placing them side by side.... any tips? pointers, other ideas? recipes for sacher? thanks for the help robi in Budapest Hungary
  7. hi all, robi here, from budapest hugnary, i just came across ;this wild and nitersting topic/thread so i am out fo the running for the group trial, however, i have 8 kilograms - sg like 17 pounds of honey sitting roudn waiting to be used in sg. so why not mead. after all, i live in a land of drinkers.... what strikes me as funny/interesting is the idea of adding yeast. yes i am a newbie at meading but everybody always talks about wine yeast... why? we make 2 - 3 thousand litters of wine a year with my father-in-law, actually he makes it, i just help in the harvest and sometimes crushing - and there is no yeast added. I have a few friends from ethipia who makes tej, or the ethipian mead, and they laughed at the idea of yeast... so how was this done 500 yrs ago when you could not buy yeast? i prefer to do it the old fashioned way and i cannot get all those yeast you mentioned here, and mail ordeing to hungary is a pain.... robi BTW, is a carboy the same as a demijohn?
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