hi all, robi here, from budapest hugnary, i just came across ;this wild and nitersting topic/thread so i am out fo the running for the group trial, however, i have 8 kilograms - sg like 17 pounds of honey sitting roudn waiting to be used in sg. so why not mead. after all, i live in a land of drinkers.... what strikes me as funny/interesting is the idea of adding yeast. yes i am a newbie at meading but everybody always talks about wine yeast... why? we make 2 - 3 thousand litters of wine a year with my father-in-law, actually he makes it, i just help in the harvest and sometimes crushing - and there is no yeast added. I have a few friends from ethipia who makes tej, or the ethipian mead, and they laughed at the idea of yeast... so how was this done 500 yrs ago when you could not buy yeast? i prefer to do it the old fashioned way and i cannot get all those yeast you mentioned here, and mail ordeing to hungary is a pain.... robi BTW, is a carboy the same as a demijohn?