Nathan left Equinox to help open Ceiba, then he came to help me launch Market Salamander, the opportunity came up for him at Tallula and he had to take it. Tony and I had been with Todd for a long time and both felt like it was time to "leave the nest". We both gained immeasurable experince while at Equinox but when you get to a pont in your career you move on. Miles Vaden formerly of Equinox and the Ritz is now Tony's Sous Chef at Aria and Barry Koslow of Equinox, then 2941, then Citronelle is slugging it out at Circle with me. I think that quality restaurants like Equinox will always have some turnover that will benefit the City's dining scene for everyone. In the end it is a testament to Equinox and Todd that they maintian such a good reputation and have turned out chefs who can be successful in the City. In a side note the chefs and cooks at Galileo at the time I left went on to open Equinox, Tosca, a great Italian restaurant in Florida, Rob Brown was the saucier and is now the exec at Terrazo, Kevin Couch did a stint at Equinox then went on to own and run Spezie in Philadelphia, Laurie Alleman the great pastry Chef now runs the Swiss bakery with her husband in Springfield(it's awesome by the way) so it is a natural progression for great kitchens to launch new chefs.