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  1. http://www.dadeo.ca/index.html Never been personally...but they have andouille sausage on their menu.
  2. For chilly winter nights, Chinese hotpot is great! T&T does "hotpot" platters that have ready-sliced seafood, meats, etc. Pick up a package or jar of hotpot soup base and you're ready to go.
  3. I'm wondering about a couple things here Deb ... 1) Was this an "early" DOV menu (i.e. did Parkside start their DOV menu early)? 2) Your love of Parkside is well known. Why would you visit during the circus that is DOV? The second question can apply to anyone. Do you visit places you already frequent during DOV, or do you branch out and try something new? A. ← 1) Yes, they started early. 2) I was encouraged by ownership to visit during DOV when I was there just before Christmas. They know I'm not rich enough to eat there as often as I'd like to Since Parkside started the menu earlier than many DOV participants, it was not a madhouse at all. Of course a Wednesday is not a Saturday in any case. I seldom dine out on weekend nights at any time of year as I usually prefer a quieter/less-crowded atmosphere. The only circus-like aspect the night I was there was the ratio of diners who were evidently more interested in their mobile phones/cameras than their companions or food. I am only going to two DOV dinners this year: one well-loved, and one hitherto untried but well-reviewed, Gastropod. ← I mimic *Deborah*'s answers to both questions, and shared an identical experience. I too went on one of the first evenings of their "DOV" menu on Monday, and was pleased to find the same calm, intimate room and service. The food of course was at its consistent finest, but imo the pricepoint of DOV (versus the regular menu pricing) for them is neither an incentive nor a deterrent in the frequency of my patronage. On another note, I have been booked by my friends, who are eager DOV diners, for Rare, Bistro Pastis, and Nu.
  4. These are indeed a Costco item; I saw them a few weeks back at the downtown location for sure because I had a box in my hand then my willpower kicked in and I put it back.
  5. Ebisu (from the Kamei Royale group) officially opens Wednesday December 20th.
  6. PearL


    My friends and I were having a night out at Balthazar one weekend last month so a gf and I decided to do dinner on Davie and only park the car once. I picked 1215 as we're both regulars at japanese/izakaya joints, and although I hadn't heard too much about it since spring, on passing by, the room generally looks at least half-full; so off we went... ...and came out with the conclusion that neither of us would return. Service was slow and hard to find when needed. I'm still not fully accustomed to having to pay for tea at asian places, and less enjoyable was drinking it out of thimble-sized cups. The menu was not all that inspired, and it took us some time to actually find four dishes that sounded interesting enough to try. We then learned that they were 'sold out' of two. So we ended up with three: 1) Dungeness crab croquette. Not to our liking at all. There seemed to be no crab in the very large croquettes, which seemed to be filled with a mushy nondescript creaminess that we concluded resembled condensed cream of mushroom soup. There was, however, a tiny pile of crabmeat at the side of the plate; I suppose that's where the crab part of the dish came into play. 2) Tuna tartare. Not dressed, coarsely chopped avocado and tuna with square nori sheets. Clean tasting, yes, but very forgettable. 3) Cold tofu, avocado, crab. This sounded like it had some potential, but it was very similar to the tuna tartare in preparation. As in, barely dressed and with minimum prep. The square of tofu was plunked onto the plate straight out of its plastic container and not cleaned up for presentation (the grooves from the container running down the sides), a quarter of avocado thickly sliced onto that, topped with a bit of crabmeat. Served with the same square nori sheets, which we found impossible to incorporate, so ended up just picking at the block of tofu with our chopsticks and leaving the nori untouched. Including tip, for 2, our meal was $45. Not a huge sum, as we're used to dining out. But for what we were served, we felt ever so unsatisfied. As mentioned in previous posts, the room does look put together on a shoestring budget, but I think this budget also is reflected in the food...
  7. Went back for the deer again. Love, love, love. It's so tender! The grilled quail is tasty, too. Held back from the usual ordering too many dishes so I could indulge in dessert for once. Chocolate tart + strawberry icecream is oh so nice...
  8. PearL

    When is uni in season?

    I've already begun my live uni feasting at the following: 1) Octopus Garden 2) some restaurant on Park in Richmond, I forgot the name of the place. Around the time live uni became sparse mid-spring, Sada-san at Octopus Garden advised us the next season would begin around October...
  9. Another izakaya joint looks ready to open (bottles of soya sauce filled and set on tables, yet signs posted on window indicate both foh&boh positions have not been filled) next to La Bretagne Crêperie on Jervis off Robson.
  10. ^ I just had dinner at Diva and the foie starter was served with a generous basket of brioche - is this provided by Haas, do you think?
  11. do you like tofu? how about soft tofu, cooked ma po tofu -style sauce, maybe minus the meat. or some pan-fried egg-tofu my mom used to make her own baby food for my younger sisters that i would steal cuz it was so tasty. make some very soft rice/dry congee with beef/meat of choice+some dark greens, put the lot through the blender, add some maggi sauce (or soy, i always used maggi) have a cheese fondue night! with very soft soft bread and just let it melt in your mouth... japanese oden-style stews or hot pot where you boil the sh*t out of daikon, taro root, potato. those are pretty soft but still tasty...good luck! (as for my own wisdom teeth experience - also 4 at once, all i could dream about during the recovery period was big burgers and steaks, something i could really rip into! i feel for ya)
  12. Ended up going to Long's last night for dinner. Service was friendly and attentive, and the place filled up quickly and there were a couple parties waiting by the time we left. I found the xlb soupy enough but rather bland; same went for the gyoza-style dumplings. I ordered a noodle with smoked fish, which turned out completely different from what I was expecting (perhaps I was thinking of an entirely different dish, but I was thinking of the milky-fish broth soup, which I was certain was called the same thing in other restaurants. What came out was noodles in clear broth, with a side plate of smoked fish pieces served very bony, and very cold) Not sure I would go to Long's again...
  13. Triggiano's at Davie&Homer? (also "good but inconsistent" experiences there for me). I too avoid Starbucks whenever other options are possible; amongst many reasons, I dislike the bordering-lukewarm temp (seems to me, anyway) their lattes are served.
  14. I think it's NingDu, from previous posts -- I am completely unfamiliar with this place but will look into it. Yes! Why is that? Is it that much more difficult than all the other dumplings they offer for dimsum? I thought perhaps Shanghai Bistro would pull off a decent XLB, but, nope, not at all. :shock:Thanks for your thoughts.
  15. So, need some input, please? Is there any consensus on a good XLB spot in Vancouver? Meeting up with a gf for dinner, and as she is 6 months preggers, she gets to to call the shots, which includes not driving all the way to Richmond. Anyone been to Green Village (Broadway&Nanaimo) lately? She's thinking of some place in the area of Main & 32nd, but I suspect this is Long's which doesn't seem to be favoured on this board...
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