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Posts posted by Theven

  1. Really cool pics spaghetttti. One of my students was out of class for the breaking of the fast, she was telling me about some of the food her family eats for the celebration. Your pics brought it to life.

    Daniel when am I invited for dinner =)

  2. Dano!

    I finally finished reading this post and I must say you did an awesome job!

    I thought I would mention that I’m friends with Dan and his lovely Co-pilot. I also have the honor of speaking to them during most of these trips. It’s funny when Dan mentions something about food or people that make no sense. However, when I read his stories and see these pics, it really brings his adventures full circle. Dan you’re the man, thanks for the great ride.

    P.S. – No Oysters in N.O.? ACME?? Or that other place?

    P.S.S – I think your bronchitis was caused by those fire ants.

  3. I went to WM in JC and thought that the burgers were GREAT!, however I recently went to White Rose in Brunswick and that place has got a REALLY GREAT BURGER.

    White Rose is now my favorite burger joint in Jersey.

  4. Bud Light presents: Real men of genius!

    Today we salute you Mr. Food enthusiast/photo journalist.

    Not only do we get to read about all the great places you have been to eat but we get to see all the dishes with your excellent photography skillz.

    You eat cheese steaks at 9am while we are sulking over our obligatory captain crunch. ("Extra Cheese Wiz"!)

    Your clothes are saturated with the smell of Bubbas smoker while we are left with the stench of choice beef on the Foreman grill. ("Big Bubba Coming through")

    You drink 4 bottles of Sake from 4 different regions of Japan while we sit at home drinking a Bud Light and reading the Egullet forums, awaiting your next post. (“Sake Bomb!!!”)

    Therefore today we salute you Mr. Food enthusiast/photo journalist.

    Thanks for the great posts Daniel. :wink:

  5. Thank you Daniel for the excellent post.

    First of all I would like to thank you for your Honesty.

    Second for the Great pictures.

    The way you downgraded the many facet's of this restuarant and then raved about the "outstanding" main course makes me want to go even more. Anyway those pics you shared are making me HUNGRY so thanks again for the excellent review.

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