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  1. cheap decent hotel: http://www.hotel-saint-malo.com/site.htm
  2. snackhappy
  3. ... and he's still pronouncing Limon incorrectly after hearing it properly 100 times. Unreal.
  4. ^^ was JUST going to post that very same thing. You don't even have to get off the highway. Seems like a logical first stop in Quebec.
  5. you will learn to like it. that area in the summertime is lively and fun. welcome to city living.
  6. it sounds to me as if OP hasn't seen inner-city Montreal during the summer. I find it so beautifully urban and green, and I can't imagine thinking that that area isn't a good strolling area.
  7. ^ agreed. gee, overreact much?
  8. what looks dark and gloomy to you right now will look beautiful come summertime. The inner-city never looks great in the winter. Little Italy is very safe, by the way, most of the city is. Since you seem to be a little picky, maybe the lower Westmount area might suit you better. Food-wise, there's pretty good shopping, and the area itself is definitely upscale. It will also be a shorter drive to the west island than something further east, like Mile End or Little Italy. There are some great buildings overlooking Westmount Park that may interest you. Take a drive around Sherbrooke St., between Claremont and Greene Avenue.
  9. the casse-croute du coin, aka Moe's, at lambert-closse and de maisonneuve, is a favorite diner haunt of mine. also love Decarie hot dog for fries.
  10. YES! The chopped liver. It's the only way I can eat organ meat. They serve it with rye and mustard on the side. I also prefer Snowdon Deli's smoked meat to Schwarz'. It's less chewy, IMO. Maybe due to the good long steam.
  11. I'd do breakfast on the Plateau instead. La Binerie or Beauty's both have a ton more atmosphere than Eggs, and the same average breakfast.
  13. Hi Chantal, I googled out of laziness, but this version, minus the sugar (??) is pretty much what I've made at home succesfully. I use low sodium chicken stock instead of water as well. French Canadian Pea Soup
  14. They also have Persian baklava at Akhavan on Sherbrooke W.
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