Greetings, I’m new to eGullet and frankly not sure where would be the best place to make this post but here is where I ended up. This post is being made in an effort to gather information and professional opinions regarding pursuing a career as a cook/chef. I am a 44 year old an accounting manager by day and a professional trumpet player by night. Lately, I have been obsessed about cooking and learning how to cook like never before in my entire life. It all started by being exposed to Japanese knives then replacing my cheap Henckles with a well-rounded collection of cutlery for my kitchen. I now find myself cooking for no other reason than the love of cooking and, of course, getting to use my knives. A few weekends ago for instance, I made crab cakes, stuffed chicken breasts and Thai spicy basil beef on a Saturday just for the heck of it. Since I love to cook, I started wondering what would it take to become a cook or a chef and is it plausible at my age to pursue? My accounting side affords me to be detailed, strict and by the book and my musician side allows me to be creative so I feel with time and proper training I could be rather good at it. So, what do the cooks/chefs in here think? Take the plunge go to culinary school and get out there? I definitely will need professional culinary schooling since time and a rumbling stomach has dictated how I cook at home. Plus I’m all for it if it’s a means to an end. I don't know what kind of pay cooks or chef's get. I'm sure there's graduated levels based on time and experience as well as the various disciplines. Speaking of discipline's, what are the specialties that are typically and increasingly in more demand? How long would it take to get working as a cook or chef? AHHH. So many questions, so little time. I am very passionate about playing my horn and want to do something other than accounting where I could have that same kind of passion and enthusiasm in my job. Is a culinary career change the answer? Thanks in advance for all your thoughts and opinions. Sincerely, Bob