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Everything posted by norsk

  1. Pour the grease in an empty coffee can.Let it solidify put a lid on it and toss it in the garbage can. Never had a problem, even though I do live in Georgia. I learned the hard way after having to dismantle the pipes under my kitchen sink to remove a 6 inch blob of solid grease. I wonder who put it there
  2. norsk

    inexpensive recipes

    Melonpan,I would love to try your matzoh balls. My husband does not like soup! I do. He does like dumplings, could I use chicken broth to boil the matzoh balls and then add it to a chicken stew? Do they rise to the top when cooking? I think I will make some for my own pleasure just to see.
  3. norsk

    inexpensive recipes

  4. norsk

    inexpensive recipes

  5. HELLO, if your children are having pain in legs/joints from growing spurts this may help.Schwepps makes a tonic water with Quinie. It tastes very bitter, but you could add some soda.I know this because I broke my leg.After multiple surgeries and casts I was going nuts with the crampes and the pain.I dont know why it works,but it does.
  6. norsk


    Hello, first post,hope I do it right! Born and raised in Norway,now living in Georgia/USA. Lever postei( liver pate) was a childhood favorite on home baked bread with pickled BEETS on top. Nothing else added. The sweet/tart and saltiness,yummmm. Have found some Wisconsin liver pate and pickled beets(Nelly) at the local Krogar. Will have to do until my mom sends her "care package"
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