Hi, docsconz is right.. Taormina is not the best place for food - I am sure there are some good restaurants but I've never come across one yet -only average ones (then again I've only been there three four times as a passer by). Now as far as Cefalu is concerned I think the story is a bit better but I have no concrete suggestions - my rule of thumb is to start by avoiding anything that has a sign outside which says "turistic menu". We are really more familiar well the other side of sicily - Ragusa,Catania,Siracusa rather than Palermo. However, something that I can suggest which is about 50 minutes down the road (the other side of Palermo when coming from Cefalu) is a little village called Sferracavallo. It is a fishing village and there is a bunch of fantastic restaurants there - only word of warning - they are not your "average" restaurant and not a lot of tourist visit them. They typically don't have a menu and not a lot of words are exchanged. You just walk in, sit down and the food keeps coming and coming. We went there two years ago and it cost around 15 euro per person for antipasti, two primi, two secondi and some fruit and sweets. It was all fish-based, simple (rustic?) and excellent quality. Mind you the pricing is dynamic as well. Once done you go sit down with a "man" in a table in the corner and they make a decision on the spot about the cost. credits cards are NOT accepted. We went to a reastaurant called L'Ancora. It is an unassuming place but once in you will not regret it. I realise it may be a bit far off from Cefalu but then again I think its a half-day trip you will not forget. All the best, Ronald.