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Everything posted by aneja_r

  1. We had home-made Chhole-Bhature for lunch today!!!!
  2. Hi Okanagancook Urad Dhal inside chapati dough is delicious! Sounds very similar to Bedmi Puri.
  3. Hi Friends A very important everyday question, What should I cook today???? It would be interesting to know what everyone out there is eating and cooking for lunch and dinner......
  4. Thanks for the suggestions. Its going to be pure veg party so no chicken etc!!
  5. Dear All Diwali is just couple of months away. I need suggestions about menu for Diwali party. I would be expecting around 60-70 guests and its not a formal dinner. It is more like open house where people can come in the evening at their convenient time. I need to serve plenty of snacks like items which are tradional as well as can kind of substitute for dinner. Would greatly appreciate suggestions.....
  6. aneja_r

    Bitter gelatin

    Is the bitterness related to the quality of gelatine only? or could there be other reason?
  7. aneja_r

    Bitter gelatin

    The brand I used is made in New Zealand!
  8. aneja_r

    Bitter gelatin

    I made Mango Jelly using Mango juice and unflavoured Gelatine. The jelly turned out fine but is tasting bitter. Can any one help and tell me what may be the reason. The gelatin I used is not too old and well before expiry date. Infact it was a new package that I had opened. Any help would be appreciated.
  9. White butter is what you get after churning cream from Cow's milk. In India, the cow's milk is usually boiled and cooled, a thick layer of cream (called 'Malai') is formed on top which is removed and churned. This separates into buttermilk and white butter.
  10. Thought of a preliminary menu- pav-bhaji, kachori-aloo, samosa, fruit chaat, kheer, sukhi meethi sevian, kaju barfi.
  11. Dear Friends Need help!! Planning a snacks party on Diwali. Please give suggestions for the menu and the recipes!!!!...
  12. Another question.... what are fennel/ aniseed ? Are these same as "saunf"?
  13. Thanks.. that was enlightening...........And complicated!
  14. Thanks... but what is the difference between tejpatta and bay leaf? I thought they were same. And is cassia bark same as cimmamon?
  15. Hi All Can anybody tell me what are the components of pavbhaji masala and the porportion of individual components? Thanks
  16. As per tradition mithai is a must. For pooja, jalebi, mithi seviya (without milk) and one more mithai (which could be anything) are essential. For dinner, chana dal pulao is a regular feature every year.
  17. hi friends, what do you usually cook on Diwali day? Any special traditional dishes?
  18. hi, I am sorry I didnt introduce myself earlier. I have recenly joined this forum. I found this site by google search (I was looking for indian food forum). I am a doctor by professsion and have a very busy schedule, that means I do not do much cooking but I am passionate about reading recipes and everything about food. I live in delhi.
  19. As a child I hated milk and all the veggies cooked at home. But my stay in the hostel cured me and now as a grown up I like all the veggies , even milk.
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