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Posts posted by Gastro888

  1. Wow...that's so fascinating. Neato!

    Man, you could make a killing make good fresh ones in an area populated with alot of Asians. Perhaps I should go into a business venture down here. Fresh cheung fun and noodles. Hmm.

  2. Ai ya! Typical Asian male response. Always gotta see a picture first. Do you want to see me mending socks or doing embroidery?

    NOW I saw the picture of you. I thought spaghetttti was joking with the picture of the black chicken. Dude, where's your "fai gee"?

    The menu's STILL not done yet - sigh. @#$! Ai ya....

  3. America is the home of marketing but the school offers a program in food marketing. They teach you food styling, food photography and gear the program to the food industry. I thought with my background that this program would be a good stepping stone.

    America may be the home of marketing but Italy is the home to great fashion and gelato!

  4. Ah, unfortunately, I'm in the same situation as hzrt8w's wife. My mom chases me away or gives me a funny look when I tell her I want to learn. She says that I wouldn't be able to do it anyways and it's a futile effort to teach me. *sighs* So I research and try my best.

    Dejah, the goh posting you did is fantastic! I had those gohs as a kid and didn't like the brown sugar taste but now I'm wanting one for old time's sake.

    Ben, seriously...write a book. You have alot to say...I'm sure you could get funding somewhere!

  5. I love sea cucumber! I just don't like eating it if it's not well cleaned. *cringe*

    Thanks for the party favor idea! I was thinking to do to oranges for everyone or I was going to order small jade party favors online. You know, those jadite things on a string. I also was going to type up the menu on red paper and have an explanation of all the foods as well.

    Does anyone else have any party favor ideas? I was thinking candy.

    My friend and I will be adding another authentic touch by wearing cheongsams. Speaking of which, I need to get one! :laugh:

  6. Happy belated birthday, Pan!

    I can't believe they wouldn't let you take the food home! Oh my god, if that happened with my family, we'd be causing a huge rukus. No, no, no - we DO take food home from a banquet. (I've never met these people and they're getting my dander up!)

    Unless it's a funeral banquet and otherwise you don't. (Well, for my grandmother our family did not but I think it's "okay" if you're not directly related to the deceased.)

    I digress.

    They should've let you take the food home! I would complain.

  7. My parents came from Toysan (which is the correct Romanization of our village Toysan or Toisan?) and met in DC. I will ask as to which part they are from. I was born in the Washington, D.C. area.

    I'm hella proud of my roots and that I'm a Toysan woman.

    In terms of food, mom makes a steamed dish of eggs, salted duck eggs, lap cheong and rice noodles. It's kinda quiche like, no crust. And joong! Oh man, - sticky rice, mung beans, lap cheong, salted duck yolk, fatty pork and dried shrimp. Oh and she makes "gai loong", these fried dumplings of with minced pork, scallions, black mushrooms, dried shrimp and lap cheong inside. The dough's made from glutonous rice flour.

  8. :laugh: Man, I'm not on for two days and I miss the party! hee hee.

    Dingleberries? Um, where I'm from we use that term for somethin' else. :wink:

    Wah, Ben...you definitely puttin' me on the sellin' block now. How many pigs did herbacidal give you so far? Bolts of silk? No wait - Philly cheesesteaks!

    Oh, I can do all the domestic things - I just choose to outsource them. Let me guess, mom still wash your clothes, huh? :raz: (just teasing!)

    spaghetttti, nice picture. I love a man in black. :wink:

    Back on topic, I actually had some neen goh yesterday at a lunar new year's party. It was plain and brown, not studded with dried fruit or dyed red. It kinda tasted like "woon jai goh" that my mom makes but alot stickier. My Japanese friend said it tasted like mochi to her. It was good - but I don't know if it was because it was good or because we were eating it at 1:30am after dancing all night and we were starving. :huh:

    edited b/c english ain't my first language....

  9. All 3! It's fun to discuss what you're going to cook and then go shopping for it. Cooking's always a joy 'cause it's creating art in the kitchen and eating is a pleasure.

    Unless you're eating a poorly prepared meal or forced to share it with people you don't like (ex: business lunches/dinners) and then I'd rather have a root canal...

  10. Oh wow...I'm picturing two Chinese kids with chipmunk cheeks and bowl haircuts! LOL!

    Which did you prefer - the natural rock sugar with all its sharp points and such or the polished, white, gem-liek sugar? I like the natural one.

    You know, come to think of it, when you walk down the candy aisle at a Chinese grocery store, alot of the candy's from JAPAN (well, where I live at least). I don't think we have alot of that processed candy. Ours seem to be the preserved fruit, dried fruit, nuts and seeds kinda thing.

  11. I guess I'm the only strange one who is adverse to using black bamboo chopsticks? Funny, even though I was born in the States, when I look at black bamboo chopsticks I think it's bad luck. OK, I'm just strange! =)

    Chopsticks are the best thing to use when eating instant noodles from a cup. And for breading shrimp - don't have to get your hands dirty.

  12. Hoo Boy, Herby, I know this beautiful sweet Toysan mui  who goes by the handle of "gastro888" and she posts on....... :laugh:  :laugh: And she cooks!!! :wink:

    Seriously gastro, shouldn't you have a dish of "jai" (Buddhist vegetarian dish) also?

    "Ai ya! Ah sook-sook seng mai joh ngoh bay yen day!" (Cantonese)

    (Ai ya! Uncle wants to sell me to someone!)


    Yeah - loh han jai, right? As a kid, I went ginko nut picking with my mom and dad. Oh man, the car REEKED of ginko nuts for days. If you're ever in DC and you need fresh ginkos, the city is littered with trees.

  13. "Fie on them". When did we become British? :laugh: (Well, there was that whole HK colonial thing...)

    Ai ya, now I understand why everyone was so happy when I volunteered to organize this. It's my first time and I want it to be a good experience. Hopefully they'll have the traditional menu ready soon so I can scope it out.

    Once we have this banquet, I'll post pics.

    Herbacidal, you are correct.

    But if you expect any of us to mend your socks, I'll kok you! :raz:

  14. Dejah - I'm glad you like it! =)

    Matay goh is too sweet for me - but I don't have much of a sweet tooth! My mom loves it and when I eat it, my teeth rattle.

    My mom asked me what I would like for the choy neen dinner next week and I said lobak goh and she said no, it was too much trouble! Ai ya...

    I never heard of the other gohs you're referring to.

  15. That's where I'm having the problem - go full out traditional or cater to people's tastes. PCL and spaghetttti do make good points about going t traditional and giving people who otherwise would never eat a traditional CNY meal a chance to experience it. However, it all goes back to "what if no one likes it and the food goes to waste"?

  16. Wow, yuki! It looks soooo good!!! Could you share the recipe, please?

    I wonder if you used pandan leaves, would there be more frangrance? But then it'd be more of a Nonya dish, right?

    I love the foil in your range. We have foil on our stove, too!!!

    Sidebar to Ben: Thanks for understanding! Too bad the majority doesn't have your thinking. Sounds like your daughter and I could "jai bee" for hours on that topic. If y'all are ever in the Washington, D.C. area, let me know!

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