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  1. Mahalo to all for the input. The trip is confirmed and I leave this evening. I will report on eats. BTW, the dearly beloved (who left a few days earlier) dined at Custom House last night. He gave it a B+ for food, and an A+ for service.
  2. Planning a trip to Chicago and looking for food that is unavailable here. Top of my list is Indian not of the buffet line variety. I am hopeful! Thanks for your input.
  3. Try Marukai on Dillingham. It's a membership warehouse type place and it is only $10 for a one-year membership. They have by far the most extensive selection of Japanese food stuffs and products available on Oahu.
  4. Ha! The funniest part of the Gawker report was the first comment: "Those napkin sniffers at eGullet are vicious!" Reading FG's review was fun, but the subsequent "napkin sniffer" comments from some reminded me of why eGullet can be such a bore at times.
  5. It was clear from Honolulu last week how this would turn out - oneidaone's photo
  6. You mean Hung gushing over how fabulous Marcel is? It was pretty hard to miss that. The judges also took note that some of the Season III contestants are devotees of Marcel while shaking their heads in disbelief.
  7. Okay, this is not exactly an "arm's length" solving of oneidaone's #156 movie. I was at oneidaone's for an Easter Eve dinner gathering (lovely and delicious, of course!) and as usual they had some sort of music video playing in the living room. Whilst in the kitchen I heard the word "chiclet" come from the TV and the light bulb went on. The movie which I would never have guessed under any other circumstance is The Grateful Dead movie. Now that you know it, those clues make sense, don't they?
  8. Is it the movie Emma with the talented Toni Collette? I know Gwenyth Paltrow got top billing, but you had to love Ms. Collette in this period piece.
  9. The Fifth Element?
  10. Is this one Sweet Dreams, the movie about Patsy Cline?
  11. A big wave of Aloha to judiu for taking the time to send the recipe! There is no doubt that eGullet membership is enormously beneficial!
  12. Aloha, I am seeking the recipe for the Honestly Good Crab Cakes on behalf of eG member oneidaone who is presently in Chicago without internet access. She wants to make these for her mother's upcoming birthday. If anyone has it to hand, it would be deeply appreciated. Mahalo nui loa!
  13. Well it looks like we have a few interested. As SuzySushi suggested, perhaps we need to go offline to organize. Can someone volunteer to help coordinate? I'm buried with projects and deadlines or I'd offer. I will be there though - there's always time to eat!
  14. I agree completely regarding 1) an eGullet get together 2) St Germaine French Bread Donato's closed its doors in February and that's why bread is no longer available from them. I bake Italian breads like ciabatta at home (when the weather cools off allowing for more tolerable baking conditions) using Peter Reinhardt's bread book 'The Breadbaker's Apprentice' as reference. Just for giggles here is a link to a post with photos of my first attempt at ciabatta.
  15. I'm delighted to provide a link to eGullet member oneidaone's interview with the much loved artist Guy Buffet. A charming and humble gentleman who is starting new adventures at 63. Guy Buffet interview. Also, check out his response to Diner Bytes, our byte of humor from friends feature.
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