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Everything posted by Ganache

  1. To make it it shuny again gently go over top with a blow torch(not touching it of course) I just melts it enough to get the shine back. A ganache with corn syrup in it usually works good although I always just make a regular ganache & heat it up
  2. Fom what I understand, the difference is in the way it is frozen. Gelato doesn't have air whipped into it like how ice cream makers make it. The machines are what makes it different
  3. Jeniac, You remind me of myself when I was working. I also got melted chocolate on me while spreading it on sheet pans (to make fans) I started wearing a plastic dishwasher bib apron & then for service my jacket was pretty clean. They are pretty cheap & disposable of you can get washable ones.
  4. They are made with hydrogenated shortening or tropical oils shortening which has a high melting point & keeps it's shape. They are made that way so they stay like that in a baked dessert.
  5. [COLOR=purple]I have been making my cakes like this for years. I do it just like I said. Crumb coat cake w/buttercream or whipped cream,sugar,cocoa, when I don't need buttercream to decorate & don't want to make it. Freeze. Then coat once again. Freeze. Pour hot cream over chocolate. When melty, wisk smooth, add liquor or whatever. Move cake to rack & pour. Immediatly smooth top w/lge spatula so it evenly slides down the sides. The warm ganache freezes as it hits the cake & it always comes out smooth & beautiful. You may have to pour some additional areas on the sides sometimes. If there are some drips smooth alittle with a warm spatula. I make mostly chocolate covered cakes & always do it this way. Yum-Yum
  6. I almost always coat my cakes with a layer of buttercream to make cake perfectly shaped & even it out. Freeze cake & pour on ganache. It sets up really nice. If I don't have any buttercream I will use whipped cream & cocoa & some sugar or just sugar & vanilla. Otherwise the cake is uneven & sides are not smooth.
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