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Robin Shuster

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  1. 14& U reopened yesterday May 10th at 9 am with your buddy Truck Patch's superb pork. We had plump, sweet strawberries, purple and green asparagus, lots of salad and cooking greens: romaine, mesclun, mixed lettuces, arugula, spinach, Mizuna, chard, collards, turnips, three kinds of kale, spring onions, green garlic, walnuts to grind with that green garlic for pesto, mint and other herbs, apples, cider, canned peaches and for the gardeners: tomato, vegetable, herb and flower starts. Except for Truck Patch and Breadline, none of the other producers duplicate Mount Pleasant -- and none overlap with Dupont. So, Charles, a good reason to visit BOTH Mount Pleasant and U Street on a Saturday morning to plan your Sat night dinners.
  2. I have been twice for lunch in the last three weeks. The lardon frisee salad is the best I have ever had, here or in France. I liked the mussel chowder a lot. A friend raved to us about the burger It was good, but there are lots of good burgers in DC. A few months ago I loved the faux gras.
  3. Thanks, Charles, for your kind words NanBon is the baker of the Sweet Potato Pie and the Buttermilk tart. Michael and Chrissy are the Blueberry Hill Farmers you spoke with and both producers will be at Bloomingdale on Sunday for the Final and Pre Thanksgiving Market of 2007. The pies are from OLD family recipes. The buttermilk is real buttermilk not the cultured stuff. Robin
  4. I have eaten there twice and loved it.
  5. Highlights of this weekend's 14& U and Bloomingdale Farmers Market October 6 and 7th Both markets: VERY tiny Okra at Truck Patch and Kuhn. I sauteed them in onions and tomatoes last week. So tender that they did not need to have their stems trimmed at all. Breadline ciabatta, focaccia as well as their muffins, scones, cookies, baguettes, ficelles and breads 14& U: Saturday 9-1 at 14th and U Streets Young Leeks, PUrple top turnips with young greens, Mountain View's peppers (Attila is from a Hungarian family and his peppers are superb. I am very partial to their tomatoes as well. Bloomingdale Farmers Market Sunday October 7th 10-2 First and R Streets NW We have a new baker, Nanbon, who specializes in bread pudding and sweet potato pies. The bread pudding is Aisha's GREAT GRand mother's recipe and the Sweet Potato Pie is Aisha's Great Aunt's. The bread pudding is wonderful -- very light and custardy, almost like a souffle. I have not yet tasted the Sweet Potato Pie. We will also have New Asbury Farm Lamb from Loudon County. Meadow raised and very very tender and flavorful. Plus Breadline baguettes, ficelle, focaccia, ciabatta, muffins, scones, cookies. Lots of Reid's antique and modern apples.
  6. This week at the Farmers' Markets: My big news this week is that Breadline Bread comes to the Bloomingdale Farmers' Market. Starting Sunday August 5th, Breadline will be the baker at the Bloomingdale Farmers market. The market is on First and R Streets NW right next to the Big Bear Cafe (EXCELLENT espresso, Beans ground for each cup just like in Italy!) 10-2. And continuing from last week: Sunnyside will have their amazing bargain sale of both heirloom and Early Girl Tomatoes. Their mix and match basket of heirlooms ( Pile 'em as high as you can) i sonly 12 bucks, about a dollar a pound. The 30 pound case of Early Girls is only 18 dollars. I have been making Gazpacho three times a week, canning and roasting. The tomatoes are SO sweet this year from the drought( which is destroying the corn) you remember, oh, yes, tomatoes ARE fruits... wow. Joan and Bill Baker will have their fabulous lamb this week -- they were NOT there last week, sorry. Robin Lots of peaches (including doughnut peaches,, nectarines, blackberries, early eating apples. Truck Patch will be there with good pork and heirloom tomatoes as well as his greens and cantaloupes.
  7. This weekend at Mount Pleasant, 14& U on Saturday and Bloomingdale on Sunday we will have LOTS of tomatoes. Make Gazpacho. Reid will have 30 different varieties of Heirlooms at MtP and Bloomingdale Truck Patch (all 3 markets ) will have many kinds of heirlooms. He prunes them like a winemaker prunes his vines. I was talking to him about it today. He prunes off all the stalks and leaves from the bottom 18 inches of each plant both for air flow ( prevent mildew and disease) and because he believes that this increases the flow of the nutrients to the fruit rather than the lower stalks and leaves. Mountain View at 14 & U has at least 25 varieties -- and interesting peppers because ATilla's parents are Hungarian. I picked up agood pale yellow Hungarian pepper last week. Tree and Leaf adores their Rose heirlooms. Also try their Rose, Cherokee Purples, Striped Purple, Moskovitch ((a good early heirloom Siberian tomato), Green Zebras. Sunnyside (alll 3 markets) is offering an amazing deal on tomatoes: mix and match basket of 8 pounds of heirlooms for 12 dollars; and for those who really want to can or make your own Bloody Mary Mix, a 30 pound case of non -heirlooms for 18 dollars. Robert "the Potato Man" Audia will be at MtP with his unusual newly dug spuds. Quaker Valley has Blair Yellow freestone, their personal favorite peach and Israeli melon (green flesh, perfumed and very sweet yellow watermelons. Reid has Saturn/donut/flat/bagel peaches. I have been feasting on them all week. So, lots of peaches, lots of nectarines, good blackberries, raspberries. At least 12 varieties of summer squash -- look especially at Mountain View, Tree and Leaf, Truck Patch. cucumbers, Truck Patch's radishes, arugula, chard, braising greens Torpedo onions -- cylindrical, reddish purple. Use like shallots. I can't cook without them any more. Okra at Mountain View--it will go early Eggplant starting. Corn at Quaker Valley is small kernelled but sweet tasting. Kuhn has 4 different early eating apples at 14 & U. Lamb: I have to rave about the lamb from Bill and Joan Baker who come to Bloomingdale every other week because they are a small producer. They will be here this Sunday at Bloomingdale from 10-2pm. Young mild but very flavorful lamb. I ate their rib chops last night -- blew me away. Robin
  8. Busboy asked me to tell you about new things at my markets. Squash blossoms at Mt Pleasant, 14 & U on Saturday, Bloomiingdale on Sunday at First and R NW Sunnyside and Truck Patch will both have lots of squash blossoms. I like them fried by themselves, stuffed with mozzarella and anchovie and fried and stuffied with rice and chard and baked and then served with a tomato coulis. Mountain View at 14 & U will have Moskovich Siberian Tomatoes, Stupice, Early Cascade, Sungold Cherry tomatoes, Early Girl for the early risers plus an interesting collection of summer squash including the Nicoise favorite: Trompette shaped like a serpent and the best squash for sauteeing because it concentrates its flavor rather than turn watery. I always use them for frittatas or omelets. They will also Princess La Ratte Fingerling Potatoes for steaming, boiling and potato salads. Everyone I know in Provence scours the markets for them and the firstokra. Tree and Leaf will have Purple torpedo Onions which are called Simiane Onions in Provence and used just like shallots. Again, a personal favorite. Fingerling potatoes and newly dug red ones here 14 & U and Mount Pleasant. Sunnyside will have organic pristine apples -- tart and crispy-- at all three markets Kuhn will have Transparent apples for sauce -- Amish favorite -- at 14 & U Tart Pie cherries at Reid at 14 & U and Bloomingdale, Quaker Valley at Mount Pleasant and 14 & U. English peas continue at Reid and purple, green and wax beans at Mount Pleasant and Bloomingdale. Jade beans at TRuck Patch at all three markets. LOTS of raspberries. Robin
  9. Busboy, A little background to the new markets. I run the Mount Pleasant Farmers' Market and I have just opened two new markets: 14&U and Bloomingdale Farmers' Markets and I welcome all my eGullet friends to visit my new markets. Mount Pleasant is five years old now and I hope that these new markets will last for years as well! Working on the webpage but there is a slashpage up for 14 & U. Back in the day I was the marketing director of cookbooks for Time Life Books (whole story there about how my father subscribed to Foods of the Worlds when I was 12 years old and I wanted to work for Time-Life because I loved that series so much -- and so I did!), but farmers markets are and have always been a passion. I live at U Street and have for 20 years which is why I started that market and I am very enthusiastic about the Bloomingdale area. One correction. The brand-new Bloomingdale Market is at First and R Streets NW right next to the brand new Big Bear Cafe. Sundays 10-2 Joan and Bill will be at market every other week with their local lamb because they are a small producer and Bloomingdale is their only market Truck Patch is, indeed, starting on June 25th with their greens, salads, veggies and wonderful pastured pork. There will be a good funk-jazz band playing during the market as there was last week. And Big Bear has excellent coffee. We do indeed have Reid, Sunnyside Organics, Truck Patch, Dragonfly, New Asbury Farms. Bread and cheese to come. Working on the website. The 14 & U Farmers' Market is at the NW corner of 14th and U Streets NW, on the sidewalk Plaza outside the Reeves Center. Saturdays 10-2 It started 3 weeks ago. Producers include: Kuhn Orchards from Cashtown, PA who is new to the DC markets, Mountain View Farms, a biodynamic veggie farm also new to the DC markets -- like a baby Tree and Leaf!, Faucher Meadow, a fabulous flower and raspberry grower, new to the DC markets plus some more familiar faces: Smith Meadow for pastured meat and Nancy's pasta made with their own grass range eggs, Quaker VAlley Orchard, SunnySide Organics, Truck Patch and Tree and Leaf -- and Breadline breads. www.14andUfarmersmarket.com If anyone wants to be on the weekly market email for Mount Pleasant, 14 & U or Bloomingdale, please send me an email. And yes, we will be expanding the number and kinds of producers at ALL THREE Markets. robin But, big news of the week is surely the opening of a new market on one of those corners where the only marketing going on a few years ago was 40s and illicit substances. The Bloomingdale Market, at 1st and Q Street NW is fairly small -- 6 or 8 stands, but seem to have most of the basics covered, with Reid Orchards, Truck Patch (absent yesterday for Father's Day) Sunnyside and a couple of other familiar faces. It is, however, as far I know, the local site to get lamb fro the New Asbury Farm. I picked up a couple shanks and hope to test them out with white beans or maybe cous-cous in the near future. I think later this summer I'm going to get my Greek on, though, and try to do a whole lamb on a rotisserie. Cherries galore, although sour cherries were in short supply, and we turned out the first clafouti of the year which, along with some homemade cinnamon ice cream was the hit of the barbecue we attended. It's finally starting to be worth getting up in the morning to hit the markets again. ←
  10. You basically have the story right. Chip and Susan are on sabbatical this year to build the hamlet of 7 houses on 2 acres of their 100 acre farm. This will allow them to put the rest of the farm into agricultural conservation and stay a family farm(s) forever. As part of this, they have been searching for interesting ways to allow more young farmers to be involved at Wheatland. Tree and Leaf have expanded their ops so that they now have fields at Wheatland and at their Waterford site. They are now called Tree and Leaf at Wheatland. Susan Planck (and sometimes ChiP) runs Arlington so you will still be able to get Planck tomatoes there! That is the only market that the Plancks themselves are doing this year. We hope that they will do a few more next year, but no one knows yet. Ali runs Takoma Park, FAlls Church and Penn Quarter. Georgia and Zach of Tree and Leaf are now Tree and Leaf at Wheatland. They are at Mount Pleasant, 14 & U and Dupont. And just for fun, let me mention a new farm at 14 & U: Mountain View. Shawna and Attila are excellent young farmers who have just moved back from the San Juan Islands off of Seattle. Biodynamic planting principles, no pesticides, excellent varieties. I hope you will all check them out. Robin
  11. [ Melissa, the salesman told me that the Monogram is made by DCS ←
  12. I have made the recipe for the first time today. 20 hour initial rise at exactly 70 degrees. ( 468 grams of unbleached AP flour including 3 heaping tbsp of a locally milled whole wheat per RLB's suggestion, 1.5 cups water, 1.5 tsp sea salt, 1/4 tsp rapid rise yeast). Second rise was 2.5 hours in a thin cotton kitchen cloth "floured" with oat bran on a pizza peel (which made sliding the dough into the pot very easy..) Oven heated to 500 but lowered to 450 after insertion. 35 year old Le Creuset round casserole. 30 minutes with lid on, removed from pot and additional 15 minutes baking on oven rack. Removed at 208 degrees Oven spring was good but it may have overproofed. Waited two hours to cut in half. Good crust but crumb's taste was a bit insipid. A little too moist. Perhaps it needed more time or a temp of 475 after preheating. I had no problem with the cloth. It was not gummy or gooky. The oat bran worked very well.
  13. Anyone interested in Saturn peaches? Reid has them at the Mount Pleasant Farmers' market on Saturday, 9-1, Mount Pleasant Street between Lamont and Park And here is what Russ Parson said in the LA Times: "Saturn peaches: Whether you call them Saturn, Donut, bagel, saucer or peento, demand for these flat peaches is going over the moon. A rarity not so long ago (only about 50 tons were sold in 1996), sales more than doubled between 2000 and 2005 to a whopping 4,000 tons. Why? Partly because they look so cute, of course. Beyond that, they are very sweet, nearly candy-like with low acidity and white melting flesh. Saturn peaches are descended from an old Chinese variety called peento or pan-tao (it translates rather prosaically as "flat peach")"
  14. Hah! We are being gouged! Next World Cup, Toigo's buying the beers, and not me. Bavila -- I don't hunt for organics, just what looks good, and I know that many of the farms at the markets I go to are not organic, so that may not be the root (ha ha) cause. I'd love to see the numbers on a local farm-to-market vs. the Agribusiness-to-Safeway ends of the business. Back in the good old days, Giant used to brag about its local produce. That was before they were bought by an international conglomerate, though. ← The key to buying at the farmers' market is to buy what is in the height of season, At Mt Pleasant, Reid has been selling quarts of berries/cherries for 3 quarts for 10 dollars. Wheatland sells their superb summer squash for MUCH less if you buy several pounds than just one pound. I buy what is in glut. Meat is not the price you see at Costco, but it is pastured meat that you don't have to worry about it and I just buy and eat smaller quantities. The eggs are wonderful and at 3.50 a dozen, that's a cheap meal. At Dupont I love Keswick's yougurt. Yes, it is more expensive than commercial yogurt, but it is so much richer in flavor. A quart lasts me a week and when I served some to an Indian friend, he said: oh, it is just like my Mother's! But I do check the stands for price and quality. There are differences.
  15. I just learned that Quaker Valley at the Mount PLeasant Farmers Market on Saturday 9-1 will have Amish TRANSPARENT apples. I was intrigued and Fredi Schulteis, the owner, told me that they are the favorite Amish apple for making Applesauce because they make a very clear sauce. Early, tart cooking apples. She planted a late crop of Chandler strawberries which are coming in smaller but sweeter, fyi, for those who missed the strawberry season. Kathy Audia will have gooseberries for all of us who love the sound of gooseberry fool.
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