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  1. I'll be feeding 10 this year. We'll start with football, bloody marys, nuts, olives, probably a cheese tray, maybe hummus and veggies. For the main event, which happens later in the afternoon, I roast a Trader Joe's kosher turkey and will serve it with my mom's southern cornbread stuffing (we call it "dressing, cooked separate from the bird,) my friend Tonia's fabulous turkey gravy (have wings roasting in the oven for stock as we speak,) Mother's corn pudding, wild rice salad with oranges and dried cranberries, potato-carrot mousseline, haricots verts with balsamic-glazed shallots, cranberry-tangerine relish, rolls, pumpkin pie, pecan pie and pumpkin cheesecake (made last weekend and now in the freezer.) Oh--and a Swiss chard and fontina tarte for my vegetarian niece. All served with adult beverages of choice, of course. I'm not sure I've decided yet on this year's red wine--anyone want to weigh in on that?
  2. Yum, Weinoo, that looks fabulous! Right now I'm using stale bread to make crumbs to feed the birds out on my deck because Nashville seems to have become the North Pole . Usually I make some sort of savory bread pudding, preferably one containing a nice cheese, some sauteed mushrooms and spinach. I also make a Portuguese Fish Soup that calls for bread and is a tasty use for stale bread.
  3. Sounds like I'm not the only one who is suddenly feeling Thanksgiving nipping at my heels, so I need to get cracking, too. I'm feeding 10, a mix of family and friends. Most of the guests will bring a little something and one friend is always in charge of the gravy. Here's my thinking at this point: Pre-Dinner fare: Bloody Marys, wine, beer Stuffed mushrooms (friend contribution) Homemade Chex Mix (We always called this Nuts and Bolts)(another friend contribution) Possibly an antipasto platter--ok, not very American, but do-ahead easy Dinner: Roasted Trader Joe's brined turkey Traditional Southern Cornbread dressing Gravy Cranberry sauce with kumquats Mother's Corn Pudding Potato-Carrot Mousseline Brussel Sprouts with Bacon and Figs Wild Rice Salad with oranges and dried Cranberries Haricot verts sauteed with garlic and spinach Sister Schubert's rolls (ok, I cheat here but they're really good) Pickled Peaches, celery sticks (don't quite know the origin of the celery sticks, but Mom always had them on the Thanksgiving table so I do, too) Dessert: Pecan Pie Pumpkin Pie Pear and Fig Strudel (courtesy of my newly-cheffy brother) Fresh whipped cream
  4. jdtofbna

    Hot weather cooking

    Jaymes's mention of watermelon salad reminded me of one a friend of mine makes with watermelon, feta cheese, arugula, basil and a lemon vinaigrette. I'm off to Publix to get the ingredients right now---it's 95 degrees in Nashville!!
  5. Thanks for the suggestions---now I need to ponder this a bit more!
  6. Thought I would tag onto this thread. A friend and I are making a quick IKEA run next weekend from Nashville and will be staying at the Artmore. As the designated driver, I'd like to have a nice dinner at a restaurant within walking distance so I can have more than 1 glass of wine A couple of people have recommended South City Kitchen--any opinions? Thanks!
  7. Somewhat off-topic, Chris, but I had to reply that I've made that same Gourment recipe several times and it is indeed delicious.
  8. One obvious omission in my opinion is the lowly cabbage, an excellent accompaniment to pork/ham. Creamed, roasted, lightly sauteed in butter with fine breadcrumbs. Yum! I also like simple broccoli with salmon--steamed, dressed with a little butter and a sprinkle of lemon. Also--can't remember if anyone has mentioned turnips? Another somewhat lowly veg, but I remember my mom used to serve turnips with lots of black pepper alongside roast pork.
  9. Thanks for the help, I kind of figured that was the situation. I'll just have to go farther afield. I'd forgotten about Haandi, I've eaten there several times when I was staying in Knightsbridge and remember that it's very good. Thanks!
  10. I will have one night for dinner on my own in London in March, and will be staying at the Paddington Hilton, which is not my usual neighborhood. Can anyone recommend a good Indian restaurant nearby? I will have spent a week in Cornwall and decent Indian meals are pretty thin on the ground down there. Thanks!
  11. jdtofbna

    Good Autumn Food

    Ah! At last someone mentions kale and white beans. A pot of garlicky beans and greens, simmered for a bit then served up in a bowl with a good dash of Tabasco and a chunk of crusty wholegrain bread.
  12. jdtofbna

    Slaws: Cook-off 49

    I make a very simple slaw that goes great with steamed shrimp, grilled fish, or even with the old traditional BBQ, baked beans,etc. I core and finely shred a small-ish head of green cabbage and add a finely sliced red onion that has been soaked in ice water if it's too hot. Throw in a good handful of chopped fresh dill, and dress the slaw with 1/3 cup red wine vinegar, 1/3 cup plain yogurt (fat content of your choice, but I use nonfat,) 1/3 cup mayo and 1 Tbsp lemon juice, combined well. Season to taste with salt and pepper and let chill for at least and hour before serving.
  13. jdtofbna

    Old Bay seasoning

    I was at a meeting a couple of weeks ago and someone had made pimiento cheese that had Old Bay in it---deelish!
  14. Thanks so much for the YouTube link. I'll definitely be making the Butter Chicken soon!
  15. Gotcha! Thanks---
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