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Posts posted by doodle

  1. I have a Ducane gas BBQ with (I think) stainless steel grates that are wide surface ribs & convex shaped. They say they can go in the dishwasher to be cleaned but ...doesn't do the job well enough. When I heat before or after cooking it doesn't get hot enough to remove all the leftover bits either.

    Do you think if I put them in my self-cleaning oven I would run the risk of "ruining" them?


  2. as DaddyA said we Cnd fans just got to see ICA this past weekend.

    I think Alton did the best he could under the conditions they gave him to work. Even I knew that was foie gras & I've only eaten it once. Maybe next week will be better

    What bothered me most was the fact that the judges gave Flay higher points for plating than Sakai. IMO Flay's food looked like gussied-up pub grub. Sakai's showed his wonderful knife skills & was very artistically done. Flay had one theme. Hot & spicy. Sakai had a number of variations from cold to hot.


  3. while I have not been myself,(hayfever would never allow it) I have heard mixed reviews from those I know who have been.

    most did not have a favourable opinion with regards to the food & once they started eating with their hands they were sorry they didn't pack a knife & fork.

    many were not overly impressed with the show either b/c of the way it was run


  4. not for me Tommy, no ice unless it hasn't had time to become really cold in the fridge. Only waters down the taste & the kick --- the reason I love it so much in the first place. Call me crazy :wacko:

    On the other hand, I drink my water the way Bernaise drinks her coke. Room temp. - don't like it cold. I think I read some research quite awhile ago that says liquid is better for you if it is not tooooo cold. Can't remember the source.


  5. For me the ideal way to drink coke is from a mix originating from a glass bottle or can that is already cold, and poured into a tall glass with lots of CRUSHED ice.

    I don't know what it is about crushed ice but it really adds to the enjoyment of the experience.

    see, isn't that funny, cause I do not like ice in my coke. Just make sure it is ice cold from the fridge. Small bottles pls, no large 2 L ones.


  6. hello everyone, this is my first post on eG. The subject of Coke vs Pepsi is very clear for me.

    I am a cokeaholic. Good thing I don't care if I put a little "something" in it. :wink: But if I do want a drink, my fav is rum & coke-but that's another topic.

    for years I only drank coke in the evening cause I drank milk during the day. I then became lactose intolerent so swithched to coke with every meal, including breakfast! I was up to 4 litres (quarts) a day. I have been trying to cut back for quite awhile now. Some days I'm good & some days I'm not.

    Yes I know it will take the rust off of anything but you know what- I loved the taste, not to mention the sugar high. I can't stand coffee so I get my caffine from coke. I do not drink coke when we travel to the USA unless I bring my own. IMHO I find it far too tame compared to our local Canadian made coke. Sounds crazy I know, but it just doesn't have the kick that I crave.

    Diet coke is not an option for me as it's made with Aspartame. I have had the caffine free coke & it's not bad, but I still love the original.

    Fountain coke is also not something I will drink unless I'm so thirsty I need a beverage. I usually drink water (bottled) while I'm in a restaurant & then head for a convenience store right after we finish to get a bottle of coke.

    Oh yes, only a bottle for me if I have a choice. When we are at someone elses home I usually don't have a choice & I will accept coke from a can, but I find more often than not I can taste the can. All & I do mean ALL of our friends now I only drink coke & then always make sure they have some on hand for me.

    If we are out visiting at a persons home that does not know my love for coke & they offer me a drink, I always ask if it's "real" coke or (just) cola. Of course I try to be as tactful as possible, but if it isn't coke, I'll pass & drink water. I'm a real snob when it comes to my beverage, sorry.

    I wish I liked wine or beer but I don't, so I will continue to try to break my "habit" & try to drink more water. :laugh:


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