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Posts posted by foodobsessed

  1. This is a strange one, because it's not all that wierd and I can certainly choke down some strange foods (i.e. Rocky Mountain Oysters, snake).

    However...I've tried many a time, and I just can't STAND the taste of raw tuna. I've had the best grades, even tried the much sought after Toro (belly of tuna) that Jeffrey Steingarten raved about in "It Must've Been Something I Ate". I really WANT to love it, but something in the taste disgusts me. I don't get it!

  2. My neighbor just gave me some freshly dug parsnips last week. I mashed them with roasted garlic one night (yummy!) and made shavings with a vegetable peeler and fried them in evoo for a few seconds. Even the kiddies loved this sweet treat.

    It's just a matter of knowing how to prepare them. I even like the taste of them raw.

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