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Everything posted by amaxdesign

  1. amaxdesign

    yerba maté

    For Chappie and Tea Lovers: I had to give up my caffeine addiction and have found tea to be a great alternative. I order all my tea from an online company called Simplicitea. They sell 50 varieties of loose-leaf tea. They carry Yerba Mate as well as other hard to find teas such as Organic Assam and Organic Rooibus. They also carry the Mate' gourds that is used in South America. ( I'm very picky about quality and this stuff is the best I've found!) Go to www.simplicitea.com ad check it out. Amber
  2. Hi Sam! The easiest source for loose leaf tea that I've found is an online source called Simplicitea. They sell over 50 varieties of loose-leaf tea (including assam). The apricot lavender and organic rooibus are incredible! Check out www.simplicitea.com and stop running around New York! Amber
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