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Everything posted by Metroarea

  1. I work in Aintree House!!
  2. Gary, you should be a critic!! You're making this place sound too good!! Working next door to 3 York Place is bad enough but having this up the road is going to cost me alot, i can tell! I can't wait to go here, it sounds fantastic!
  3. Suzanne, i totally agree! It's amazing getting praise for something you've put a lot of effort into. I'm only 25, i just hope that when i'm 35 i'm not sat moanig for no reason in restaurants like the couple next to me!!
  4. Can anyone recommend any restaurants somewhere in the region of Marbella or Malaga. Within fifty or so miles of either would be perfect.
  5. I've never been to Fat Duck, but i can't understand the amount of grief Blumenthal seems to be getting in the press! Obviously alot o fpeople love the food, but it seems alot of people are slagging him and the premise of his food off as being rediculous, playing to the inspectors, greedy, inedible etc... etc... I think food should be reviewed in the same way whether it be at an un-starred restaurant or molecular gastronomy. The fact he is trying such brave and different food does not make him anmything apart from a brave chef, and it seems a lot of the stick he has taken has stemmed from jealousy that he has been awarded the third star so soon. I say well done to him. The food he is giving us is absolutely cutting edge, and the fact he has made it work in a small village in the English Countryside says alot. Critics may not like the food, but you can't deny his place at the top of the British food chain so to speak!
  6. Gary, thanks for that. I work about five minutes away, so i think i'll definitely be heading down to Boar lane in the very near future for lunch. When pay day comes round again, i'll be able to take my girlfriend for dinner which i'm getting excited about already! I must say the place sounds fantastic, and like you i just hope it gets the punters it deserves. Judging by the success of York Place et al i don't doubt it will be a success, especially with the reviews of Gary making it sound so appealing!! I'll hopefully be adding my own reviews soon!
  7. It's obviously incredible. When i get a few bonuses i'm getting some! I know it's an extravagence but who cares!!
  8. I'm just going to ask for some in the next starred restaurant i go to, that's the best idea! And thanks for the welcome!
  9. I think what i'd do if it bothered me but not enought to really affect my enjoyment, would be to go home and a few days later email them with a bit of constructive criticism.
  10. http://www.manni.biz/
  11. It is brilliant telling them!! i talked fairly loudly with my girlfriend about how i hope we never end up sitting in a restaurant we don't like with nothing better to speak to each other about than to moan non stop! I think it's insulting to the waiting staff to have a go at them but not allow them to take the food away and get it done again. I love my food but i can forgive a few mishaps for the price i paid, because the food was generally lovely, the company was great, i had a few gorgeous bottles of wine and a great evening!
  12. Thats a very fair point!! I'm not sure i could cook anything that could justify using it to be honest so it'd end up being wasted or used with bread!!
  13. I was made to think about this on Valentines day this year. We went to a great organis restaurant, which was more of an informal family run affair with great local produce served simply etc... They are a fairly new outfit, and i think had panicked a bit about the large volume, and there were a few things that weren't spot on, but the menu was £30 a head for four courses, coffee and all the usual bits and bobs, which was absolutely worth it for the food. The couple next to us sat and moaned about absolutely everything. The temperature of the food, the service was too fast or too slow, they could smell smoke from the bar in the next room, they were at the wrong table, the Tournedos Rossini was delivered too soon after the pre main course bloody mary soup, the coffee was the wrong temperature. What got me was that they only mentioned one thing to the staff, which was the quality of her main course. They didn't ask for it to be taken back and done again, they just kicked up a fuss and then sat moaning to each other to the point where i had to ask them to stop because it was ruining my meal. If you're at a top restaurant and want to complain then complain and get the food redelivered, but don't get dellusions of grandeur and sit moaning for no reason everywhere you go because it doesn't live up to your last meal at Le Manoir! Rant Over!
  14. I read about this place a few days ago for the first time and it's pretty exciting i reckon. There're loads of good places to eat in and around Leeds, but something offering something potentially so different is an excellent addition to city. What is it like price wise and is there a waiting list at the moment? I can't decide whether to go now or give them a month to iron out any initial glitches. Any ideas?
  15. Yes. It's the stuff you have to order in a set amount, which actually adds up to a litre, but costs hundreds of pounds. I'm tempted.
  16. Hi everyone, i've been spending my working days quite happily reading these forums for a while now and dedcided it was about time i started joining in, so hello!! First question, Manni Olive Oil - Worth it?
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