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Everything posted by mjs

  1. Don't know the extent to which this info is accurate. I can tell you there are mistakes in the taping schedule. Don't know if this implies inaccuracy of other info (judges, challengers, etc.) also.
  2. We had to sign a confidentiality agreement when we went to the taping promising not to disclose a thing. However, I don't think it is confidential that there are 3 Iron Chefs, Morimoto, Batali, and Flay. As far as I know they aren't adding anyone else for the next series of shows.
  3. Uhh, I can't comment on the MSG except to note that I'm very sensitive to MSG in bad Chinese food (fortunately haven't had any recently) but haven't noticed it much in Korean restaurants in NY. I've only been to a couple of Korean places in S. Cal but, I wouldn't generalize about the quality of NY Korean. I've been to many of the restaurants in Koreatown as well as a handful in New Jersey. I've also been to Seoul many times. The overall quality of Korean food here is quite good. Of course, in Seoul you can find specialty restaurants which don't exist here but for mainstream stuff the better NY restaurants are about as good as typical ones in Seoul. Regarding Seoul Garden, I've only had the soft tofu there. I went specifically because they had a sign advertising that so I can't comment on the other stuff. I will agree with another poster who recommended Cho Dang Gol for really great tofu dishes.
  4. Let us know. I was just being circumspect...didn't want anyone to get in hot water because I publicly disclosed something I wasn't supposed to. I'll try to check when I'm there tomorrow
  5. I second the endorsement of the soft natural tofu there. The name of the chicken/ginseng soup is Sam Gae Tang. It is very popular all over Korea and considered quite healthy (kind of how Jews feel about chicken soup). I haven't tried it at Seoul Garden but, it is a favorite of mine (although, not spicy at all).
  6. Instead of taking the normal Tokyo-Osaka route, how about heading west to Kanazawa and work your way down from there. I really enjoyed visiting the Noto Peninsula and Wajima. Wajima has fabulous food and is a renowned for lacquerware.
  7. They are taping this week. I think I'll be attending at least one of them together with someone who is connected to the show.
  8. I haven't been in several months but Kom Tang, 32 W 32nd, has always used coals. Last time I went I thought Kum Gang San had better meat but I always liked the coals at Kom Tang.
  9. I've been lurking for awhile (mostly on NY restaurant forum, since I live in NYC). I'm a frequent visitor to Tokyo and like Imaiya very much. I've only been to the Roppongi locaion and just took a couple of colleagues there a few weeks ago. I've had raw chicken a few times before (always in Japan, first time was my first visit to Tokyo around 20 years ago...it was at an unagi restaurant). However, beyond the raw chicken, I think the quality of the cooked chicken at Imaiya is superb. Glad all of you liked it and hope perhaps one of my future visits will coincide with another eGullet get together
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