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Hi all, Just wondering of anyone had any info about places to eat and visit in Katmandu? Trekking is on the agenda and I am sure a hearty meal before the long slog ahead would be a fantastic start. Thanks Best Regards H
Hi, For the best black gulab jamuns try the ones in 'Ambala' ( there is shop on Ealing Rd in Wembley). Right on the end of Ealing Road near Alperton Station. Ambala Sweet Centre 6 Glenmore Parade, Ealing Rd Wembley Middlesex HA0 4PJ 020 8903 9740 They also do a really nice halwa - 'Hapsi Halwa' It is a mixture of almonds, pistachio in a nice chewy mixture. To my recognition they are the best I have ever bought over here. Pradip Sweet Mart Ltd 154, Kenton Rd Harrow Middlesex HA3 8AZ Tel: 020 8907 8399 Hasmi
Whats the name of the restaurant in Harrow ??? Living in that vicinity. It is mighty nice to know there is some where that Simon approves of that I can try locally. A hidden gem I have not discovered.Or maybe I have? Please try and get me the name. Hasmi P.S Harrow really isnt on the other side of the world guys. Plenty of cool and hip people live there ummmm...........
Hi No recipe on me. I will have to ask to get one. I have made gulab jamun once. When I made with potatoes - ummmm interesting! Anyhow just to say the best gulab jamuns I have had ever tend to be at the Taj Hotels in India. Where sometimes you break it open and inside you find a tiny pistachio and saffron filling in the centre. The other kind which I like are the black ones. They tend to be firmer in texture and apparently have paneer in them. They are yummy. Anyway will get back to you with a recipe. Cheers H
Eating with your hands............... I actually eat with my hands. Gujarti orgin - which is where I come from originally. It is a very common occurence. Chapatis and curry ( shakh) as we call it. Our staple diet. I for one find it the most convienent. You can scoop and mop things up quite easily. When we go to an Indian restaurant is it highly acceptable manner of eating. The only thing deterring one is the large amount of food colouring they use in the cooking. Staining your fingers yellow or red for several hours later. South Indians I think? Squash the rice and yoghurt together in a ball and then pop it in their mouths. I have to admit to not being able/wish to do this and rice for me is most daintily eaten with a spoon! Other foods easily eaten with your hands would be things like finger foods - pickles, bhajias(pokoras), breads, papad (popadoms), dry curries and salad ( kuchumber). Oh yes I forgot to mention the added bonus of less washing up after the meal! H
Can you add your work place cafeteria's to the list? God awful slop they serve us poor fellows. Have you ever stood in the queue - turned your nose up at the goo and then been told off by the Chef. Well I have. I know it is rude and normally I have an abundance of manners, but purrlease. Not over salted, over cooked and dried out from the lights ! My gripe....after having eaten at a number of client site's canteen! Ooooh I feel all better now its out of my system. Excuse me for my mad little rant! Oh yes and I am partial to the odd Fillet O' Fish From Ronnies However I have totally disallowed chicken nuggets to be eaten in my presence after i found out what crap was in them. YUK! H
How about spicy veggie burgers instead of hamburgers? Would they work? Would you par-boil the veggies With regards to the Sheekh Kebabs - what veggies do you think would be a good suggestion? Thanks H
Hi, I am looking to host a BBQ. For meat-lovers it doesnt seem all that complicated. Kebabs and Tandoori-style chicken seems to win the day. However alot of my friends also are vegetarians. This always seems to cause a big problem for me. They end up eating oven cooked Jacket potatoes ( which dont even originate from the BBQ). Paneer Masala. Again which isnt even cooked on the BBQ. The only dish I can envisage cooking is veggie kebabs ( paneer and other vegetables on skewers). There must be some other choices we ( I ) can offer these poor people. Dishes that are spicy and cookable on the BBQ Please could somebody help by giving me suggestions. I am stuck! Thanks so much Hasmi
Survir, For those of us that live in the UK etc. One of the reasons I come on this topic in the forum is because of your receipes and guidance. So please do not class it as giving in but as a wonderful chance to educate those not quite so sure of what they are doing. Keema is my husband's favourite dish. I for one shall try out your receipes at the earliest possible time. After I can definitely say the way to my man's heart is through his STOMACH. So thankyou Survir. Hasmi
Survir, I have always wanted to know exactly what was in Garam masala. Now I know Cheers Hasmi
Thanks for the suggestions, Youre a cherub!! Hasmi
Please can someone help me on this????
Was crap! A dark dark dark place! The members bar was tiny! Not happy! Not going again!
Please could some body give me their thoughts on Le Caprice. It is supposed to be good. I have a table booked for a special occasion and was wondering if it is worth the wait of a month! Any idea? H
Bizarre thing is I actually just put myself and couple of people on their list for wednesday. Though Simon's review has filled me trepidation. Nevermind it is free to get in to so theres only one way of finding out the truth and thats to go look for yourself. Keep you posted H