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    Calgary, AB
  1. I always thoght the difference was about $20
  2. Fixed? Too right! ICA has turned into a joke around our house trying to guess which piece of equipment is not going to work. But it is still great to see Real chef's do theree stuff on TV.
  3. turophile


    The movie website has a map that shows everywhere they went Link to map http://www2.foxsearchlight.com/sideways/sideways-map.pd
  4. turophile

    Popcorn at home

    When I don't put butter on I spray on olive oil and Soy Sauce then sprinkle on a mixture of spices that include Cayenne, Chili Powder, Cumin and Oregano. It is tasty, savory and low fat.
  5. But the US is still a free country (in most states) ← Toronto is not Canada. The liquor laws are different in each Province. I have had free drinks, and free pour drinks in every province, with the exception of Ontario.
  6. Another round of 'B to the E Power'...
  7. I'm Jealous ..With living in Canada I think I might have to go get an illegal satellite to be able to pick the channel. As for show ideas -How about showing peoples wine collections -With all of the so called reality programming, how about a sommelier competion -unusual wine regions -I would like to see a show on wine tasting that lists the wine before the show so you can taste along with the show. oohhh I 'm going to be thinking about ideas all day.
  8. turophile

    Wine 101: Tannin

  9. I AM CANADIAN.. No Wait! I am American! No! I AM...Oh Geez I am so confused! I 'll just stick with Big Rock, Unibroue (Now part of Interbrew Conglomerate.) and St. Ambroise
  10. I AM CANADIAN.. No Wait! I am American! No! I AM...Oh Geez I am so confused! I 'll just stick with Big Rock, Unibroue (Now part of Interbrew Conglomerate.) and St. Ambroise
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