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Posts posted by hathor

  1. Thanks for taking on the blog, it needs to continue!

    Wait, you have a name for your sourdough starter? Does it talk back to you?? :biggrin:

    Do you have a favorite baguette recipe? I'm looking for a really, crunchy, airy recipe. We have a family bet going on: the bread in Umbria is...best used as a doorstop. At least in my neck of the woods. I'm convinced that I can make good French bread at home, but my husband says its impossible. He blames the water. We attempted some experiments over the holidays, but I'm not much of a baker, and had trouble converting my recipes, so we either had no rise, or the amazing bread bubble that consummed the kitchen. Long story short: can I make French bread in Umbria?

    And if the LMLC meets, I'l love to join you!


  2. You can also find it at retail here.

    Thanks! I ordered a bottle...we'll see what comes; they had few details (ie. 375 vs 750 ml), not even sure if this is reasonable retail prices or auction or what.

    Well, the shipment came--I got a whole bottle of 00 Rafanelli Zin. But here's the kicker--there was a $24 shipping charge--bringing that one darn bottle to nearly $80!! Now there was no shipping cost mentioned on the website that I can find, nor was it on the emailed receipt I got. Am I wrong to feel pissed?? It came next-day air-- the website says there's a choice about this, but I sure didn't get one. Any other experiences with this Santa Rosa Fine Wine place??

    Most definetely you should be pissed! I would track down one of those business rating websites and rant away.

  3. Made my best salad ever the other night. Seared scallops over frisee and bacon. Made a vinagrette with some of the warm bacon drippings added to EVOO and Banyuls vinegar. Gave the scallops a squirt of lemon juice right before putting them on the salad.

    It was a knockout if I do say so myself.

    Thanks for the inspiration!! I made this salad last night...and I concur: "it's a knockout". Great harmony of flavors and texture. I did a slight variation using Ponzu in the dressing.

  4. It's important to do full and thorough research! :laugh:

    I've had that MotherClone as well, and honestly, its a bit 'raw'.

    But keep trying!

  5. I think the making, selling, giving and receiving of food creates an immediate, intimate bond. There are so many instances: a waiter giving me mangoes for no apparent reason, a restaurant whose owner who likes to introduce everyone to everyone so it s a sort of a salon, the extra carrots and celery that get thrown into your vegetable back. Food, pleasure, community: a very natural blending.

  6. well, it's hardly a recipe. just rubbed with some olive oil, salt, and pepper, and put onto a hot, clean grill. squeeze of lemon when it's done. from the Q&A with Eric Ripert, skate is the one fish that he likes cooked well done. so i've done the same here.

    Can you actually flip the skate on the grill? I love skate, but did not think you could grill it...

    edit: grammar!!

    sure you can grill it. although most dishes i've seen have it sauteed. as long as the grill is clean and hot, and it helps to give the grill a wipe of oil before you put the fish on. leave it on until a crust forms and it comes away from the grill, and flip it.

    Thanks! I'll have to give it a try.

  7. well, it's hardly a recipe. just rubbed with some olive oil, salt, and pepper, and put onto a hot, clean grill. squeeze of lemon when it's done. from the Q&A with Eric Ripert, skate is the one fish that he likes cooked well done. so i've done the same here.

    Can you actually flip the skate on the grill? I love skate, but did not think you could grill it...

    edit: grammar!!

  8. We had a celebratory Bistro meal, as one of our 'surrogate' sons came home from college. Steak au poivre, farmhouse potatoes, roasted onions. The salad course was mesclun, sliced pears, roasted figs and some roasted soft ro.... I can't remember how to spell it! Soft French cheese with a rind that was gooey and crunchy.


  9. We've gone there a few times and always had a great meal. Sitting at the bar and eating is especially entertaining. We even got talked into drinking some horrid concoction of ale? or stout? with champagne. Those Irish bartenders are very persuasive.

    One standout dish was razor clams with broad beans. Another time the mixed seafood was absolutely perfect.

  10. Medicinal? Metallic? Wow..the tongue works in mysterious ways. Its not so bad though...it just leaves more for us.

    IMHO, people break down into at least 2 camps: bordeaux/cab and the pinot/zin/burgundy camp. Something for everyone.

  11. Go ahead and rant!! Its a subject that deserves ranting about. Its completely absurd that I can't contact a vineyard and have them send me wine. Or ask a restauranteur in Utah how he likes the rules he has to play by.

  12. I think that 'informality' is certainly part of the charm! Of course, you may not feel that way if you are trying to get something done. :wink:

  13. *About 4 days before my mother passed away after an ugly battle with leukemia, she asked if someone would please make her a whiskey sour, because she really just wanted a whiskey sour.

    Funny...my husband's father only wanted a Manhattan.

    When I was going thru my chemo 'thang...someone recommend Synergy to me for energy, hair and nail health, and overall feeling better kind of stuff. Even though my bout was a few years ago, I still drink the stuff. I'm referring to the Pure Synergy product. Here is a link.. It tastes pretty 'green', hence the name pond scum, but once I got used to it, I really felt it made a difference. Best of luck to your friend. I'm sure having such caring friends will make a huge difference as well.

  14. The grapes are getting so much bigger....this is great being able to see them coming along.

    What type of mulch is on the ground in the Teaching Vineyard?

    I'm curious: who do you suppose will be attracted to the Teaching Vineyard? I have a personal ax to grind that we as Americans don't teach our children enough about wine. I think its important to teach children to appreciate the wine, but I suppose that's not such a popular idea...

    Good luck with the bunnies!!

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