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I will let them know about this site, but I promise to let Mohan know as I hope he may be able to clear up some of the confusion . Very true about the time. We plan on opening for lunch in a couple of weeks and have been busy training new crew to get ready. Great to be in New York.
Mohan, I believe, was at Tabla before joining Spicemarket. I too work there and I can't tell you how much of a joy it is to work with Jean Georges and Gray on a day to day basis in the kitchen. One of the greatest pleasures is speaking with Chef Kunz about food and seeing the passion in his eyes as he recounts the techniques and flavors. They are both in the kitchen with us almost every day, although Chef Kunz has had to deal with the coming opening of Cafe Gray. Really looking forward to the opening of Cafe Gray. A beautiful place and a cook's dream kitchen. Robert
A relatively newbie here from the California forum, but since I know Mohan and work with him, I thought I would add in. The article is partially correct about Mohan Ismail, but it left out that he has Indian ancestory on his father's side. Robert
I used to work in a restaurant in Carmel called Bouchee Restaurant and Wine Merchants. The chef's name is Walter Manzke and he was formerly the chef at Patina in Los Angeles. Excellent food (kinda biased) in my opinion. A California-French menu and a great wine selection. The site below: http://www.boucheecarmel.com/main_index.htm Hope this helps, Robert
I acutally had a chance to eat there a couple of months ago, right after an aritcle appeared in the LA Times. I'm a real fan of Tetsuya and I wanted to see what chef Behr would do with the influence. I was excited and went on a Monday which may have contributed to my experience. I don't think the chef was there on that night and I had heard from fellow cooks that Cinch had to release many of there cooks for lesser experienced one due to the lack of business initially. My dinner: Sushi was not available that night. 1st Course: Mushroom soup with shitake Entree: Grilled Trout with Chorizo and Fennel (I think). I can't remember what dessert I had. It was a while ago. I was somewhat disappointed with the meal. I don't know if it was the "I don't have time for you" look I receieved from the manager, the lack of a skilled and experienced kitchen, or the fact that the chef wasn't there that evening, but I was not impressed. I sincerely hope the food and service have improved. If anyone had a more recent experience, please let us know as I would love to give it a try again. Robert
And just add some water for some jjigae! I'm getting hungry. BTW, this dish is only as good as the kimchi used.
You can use a nonstick or a well seasoned pan (wok). Still seems like a misuse of the term. Give it a new name. "water sizzle"?
What halcyongolf said...and you can try some medium firm tofu (uncooked) with it in the end. Drizzle some sesame oil in the end as well.
According to Larousse: saute: to cook meat, fish or vegetables in fat until brown, using a fying pan, a saute pan or even a heavy saucepan. While this is a simple definition, I was taught that "saute" means to cook something with HIGH heat with a samll amount of FAT. There is no way of achieveing the high heat needed to saute and then adding a small amount of water without having the water evaporate. Adding more water would not be the classical definition of a saute. Sometimes I use a little fat and add some water in the pan to saute raw vegetables, but I don't know if this can truly be called a saute. Hope this helps.
Thank you all. Ever since I started cooking professionally, I haven't had the time to go out and find places to drink. Most of the evenings I get off, I try to get out to different eateries as much as possible. But from memory, good places would be Ju Mak 74 which is on Vermont between 7th and Wilshire. There is also a place which is very "old school" Korean. If you want food they used to eat in Korean bars, with the ambience as well, you should go to a place called Dang Sun Sah (sp) on 6th Street and New Hampshire. All very authentic places with all types of Korean drinks and anju (different types of food usually eaten with alcohol). Koreans and Asians in general, I think, like to eat something when we drink. Both places had great bo sam as well (I had to include it to stay within the topic of this forum).
Hi all. Fairly new here. Such a cool site. I have a suggestion on bo sam...a little place called Go Ba Woo on the northeast corner of Vermont and 7th Street in a small mall. I haven't been there in a while, but it was very good. Most of the places that do this really well, IMHO, are places where drinks (alcohol) are readily available. Robert
Hello, new to the board, but I thought I might try a hand at your question. Creme fraiche goes with so many things. IMO, it helps lighten up food or a plate that may be a little on the heavier side. You can use it as a garnish for some thick cold weather soups such as butternut squash, tomato bisque, or any other type of soup that is on the thick side. You can also add some horseradish to it and use it for fishes that have a some fat content such as salmon. Add some herbs like basil (julienned or pureed) and use it as a garnish for some vegetables (ratatouille), or mint with some lamb. Just some ideas. Robert
New here, but I hope this helps. Good idea about the poaching, but I would wrap the foie scraps in pastic wrap and then remove as soon as it gets soft. Let sit at room temp for a little bit. remove from wrap and get some bacon, pancetta if possible, and some finely diced onions. Mix it together in bowl. You can add a little bit of reduced port or some sort of sweet vinegar at then end. Spread it on some toasted french bread. Just a suggestion...hope it helps. btw, that would be fleur de sel sprinkled on top.