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Everything posted by JPW

  1. ← Wear lots of over priced black and look down your nose at people who dare to wear less expensive black, all the while drink the new hip drink whether you like it or not. ← Don't foget that the women have to be anorexic arm candy and the guys have to have more grease in their hair than in the transmission of their small penis compensating 6 figure sports cars.
  2. My, that wasn't what Chef Gillian said during that whole broo-ha-ha last year. At the very least the editor could have looked up Marc Fisher's column. PS - nice editing. The Society is no longer a dot com, but a dot org. When was that changed? September? Granted that they'll be re-directed, but still sloppy.
  3. I'd be happy to provide some musical entertainment at your establishment with my own special rendition of the Goldberg Variations. After a healthy plate of cassoulet, of course. ← Avoiding the obvious... Perhaps the score to Cosi Fan Tutte would be more appropriate.
  4. ← What's that topped with ? Peking Duck Enchiladas? Szechuan Beef Tacos? Mole sauce with Deep-Fried Tofu? General Tso's chicken with chili con queso?
  5. Huh? Wow, what an incredibly dangerous attitude. In other words, I think you are completely wrong on this.
  6. No, the last time I was there was probably 2002, that's why I made sure to specify that my information was not of the most current variety. With the passage of time and the increase in my sleep deficit, I can't remember exact dates or sources, but I recall that previous to its opening that there was a great deal of hype about place and it received a good review from Sietsema. We went twice and neither time felt that it was up to the level at which it had been reviewed/hyped. I'm not saying that it was bad, in fact they were good meals, just not as good as we had been led to believe they were going to be. Joe
  7. Gee, thanks for rubbing it in. Actually I'm serious. I kind of knew this already and forgot. Back to D.C. Back in my years living there, there was no D.C. baseball. Ergo, people didn't get so angry whenever Baltimore was involved in some discussion. I'm just saying... ← Disagree with you on this. Provincialism in the DC area is just as bad, if not worse, than it is in NYC. However, personally, I couldn't figure out why anyone would want to live anywhere near NYC.
  8. Allow me to pile on.... As a resident of downtown Silver Spring, I can be at Pazo faster than I can be at Restaurant Eve, much less any of the restaurants he reviews in Virginia that are outside the beltway. Hell, on some days I can be there faster than I could get to Corduroy for spring rolls. I disagree with you totally on the worth of his vacation dining. If anything, it makes him a better food critic. If he limited himself to DC he would have no basis for comparison. For example, how much is CityZen comparable to French Laundry? Is Citronelle really world class French cuisine on a par with the best of what New York (or Paris for that matter) has to offer? WIthout having dined at these places outside DC he would not be able to render any meaningful judgement whatsoever. How could he be the lead food critic for one the country's newspapers of record without a national reputation? Besides even Peter Angelos thinks that DC and Baltimore are one city.
  9. In my experience the Stardust bar is a great place to hang, the food, while good, is ultimately forgettable.
  10. To add more misery to the fire.... PLease note that my experiences are all a couple of years old. Le Galois has always been a disappointment, but it can make up for some of that at this time of year with their beautiful patio. I much prefer Bistro Lafayette. Majestic, too, did not live up to hype for me and Mrs JPW (good Southern girl that she is).
  11. You couldn't afford DelRay now. Nobody can. Which brings up the mystery of who is buying there. We could probably just afford to split one of the two bedroom townhouses.
  12. More importantly is the fact that that is where Bombay Curry Company is located.
  13. JPW

    2 Amy's

    Hefeweizen with pizza? Do you have a death wish? Oh God, won't someone think of the children? Please think of the children!!!!!
  14. Where in Wheaton, please? ← On Georgia Ave. On the right as your headed north. Can't recall any landmarks off the top of my head.
  15. I must have sent in 6 page-long messages, but oddly he chose not to post any of them.
  16. Ummmm. Zaytinya, Andale, all the places in MCI itself, the Grill House, Zola, need I go on? I second Al's and raise him one Edit to add - And how could I forget Rosa Mexicano!!! I hear they serve ventworm nuts.
  17. pasta and accompanying sauces/fillings poultry salmon, which is ironic since the stuff makes me gag
  18. Great Don - give the kid a gender identity crisis while he's still in diapers. I always did find it of great interest that usually the only female chefs you see in kitchens are the pastry chefs.
  19. As Stretch and I discovered one lost afternoon the new locations are franchises and not operated by the original owner/operators. Therefore, the kitchen performance can be highly variable.
  20. Very nicely put Joe. At the same time, I always feel a little bit of *tristesse* looking at such a situation. Same with the elderly singles you mention in your post. While happy that he has such a family, you almost want to take him out somewhere else. It can be a fine line between being comfortable with the known and avoiding the unknown.
  21. JPW

    Wine of the Week Topic

    I'm with Melkor. I tried to find the first few bottles and could not. To go around calling every wine store in DC until I find the exact bottle is just not going to happen. I think the idea of an appellation based choice would definately increase participation. As well, it would help broaden our knowledge of an area and what is good within. For example, if I was faced with a wine list with 5 Cotes de Rhones, I could probably suss out the best one at any given price because that's what I tend to drink most. Barolo? NZ Sauvignon Blancs? Napa Cabernets? I could not even tell you where to begin. Edited for spelling
  22. I drove a food truck at Northwestern during my years there. The guy who owned it had a little pizza shop and did some catering around campus. Lots of deep-dish and hot beef sandwiches. I believe that both his and the other truck (George's) are no longer operating. In '91, they banned us from using referee whistles to advertise our presence outside the dorms when someone complained that it sounded like a rape whistle. We could never find another noise maker that could penetrate like that whistle
  23. The more formal name for our Peanut is "the legume" (coined by Hillvalley). Someone once called her "Chicken Wing" because he said her tiny little legs looked like chicken wings.
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