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Everything posted by dfq

  1. Otto also sells their gelato from a cart in the northwest corner of Washington Square Park (near the corner of McDougal and Washington Sq North) during the summer.
  2. The Travel Channel has put up a website with some info on the show. Be sure to watch the sneak preview: Anthony Bourdain No Reservations
  3. dfq

    Zagat 2005

    A recent post on MUG gives some insight into Zagats Surveys from a former editor:
  4. Gothamist Food
  5. dfq

    Loose Tea in NYC

    Porto Rico Importing at 201 Bleeker St. in the Village (btw McDougal and 6th).
  6. Chef Tim Kelley is writing about his travels through South East Asia at www.RunawayChef.com
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