TEOCHIU PEOPLE: www.gaginang.org OK, as someone who is part of a Teochiu Organization, 100% Teochiu and someone who just knows, here is the final list (to my personal knowledge) of romanization sources of this particular dialect group: Teochiu, Teochew From the dialect itself, the "T" does not reflect the way its actually pronounced. Why? Because that "T" if it were to be accurate in English, would be a "D". IPA (International Phonetic Standard) is used by many countries outside of the USA as a basis for their romanized languages on IPA, ie. Malaysia and Indonesia. Therefore, this spelling is popular in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore. (GOT IT?) Chiu Chow (Cantonese) Chao Zhou (Mandarin) Trieu Chau (Vietnamese) Tae Jiu (Thai) Dio Jiu (Based on Peng Im, a Teochiu romanization standard) The variety of spellings of my dialect group is a testimonial to how broad the diaspora was for Teochiu people. If you are interested in more information of Teochiu people, please visit our NEW website: WWW.GAGINANG.ORG