I got the food and cooking bug and wariness of the "value" of fast food out of necessity. Able to con my Dad into giving me a monthly food stipend rather than signing up for the meal plan while in college (divide the cost of the program by nine and send me a check for that amount at the beginning of each month) resulted in fast-food joint binges and imported beer for the first week, slices of pizza and mainstream domestic beer the second and careful shopping and cooking at home and rock-bottom domestic beer the last two weeks of each month. Those last weeks meant much time at ethnic markets and farmer's stands, lots of very seasonal (read: abundant, hence cheap) vegetables, the omnipresent pasta and cheap cuts of meat. It also meant that rather than dropping $5 at Burger King I could buy a six-pack of Piels ($1.50) and make dinner for two for the same bucks. Not sure if that's how a lesson was meant to be learned but it worked for me.