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Everything posted by niv

  1. niv


    My experience with this is that, within a few days of the chemo, there is very little you can make that would be palatable. If I remember correctly, strong flavors are especially a problem. This cycles, however, and sometimes people can get weird food cravings after several days (or weeks) have passed. Gotta go with the flow.
  2. Just wanted to pile on about Spice House. Highly recommended for both online and offline (I've done both many times). Lottsa interesting proprietary spice mixtures but I generally stick to mixing my own. Fun place!
  3. Thanks for the recommendation of the Watermark. I've driven by the place on Tammiami a bunch of times but thought it looked kinda corporate. I'll stop next time I'm in town.
  4. niv

    Disney Trip

    The food at Disney is surprisingly edible. Expensive but decent. I liked the Moroccan place at Epcot and the Brown Derby (for the Cobb Salad, naturally).
  5. I never managed to get over to Ditka's in Chicago but I've been to the one in Naples Florida. That one is an over-80, glitzy gold chain meet-market.
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